3. Biopolymer API

3.1. Residues

class moldesign.Residue(**kwargs)[source]

A biomolecular residue - most often an amino acid, a nucleic base, or a solvent molecule. In PDB structures, also often refers to non-biochemical molecules.

Its children are almost always residues.


mdt.Molecule – the molecule this residue belongs to


Chain – the chain this residue belongs to

add(atom, key=None)[source]

Add a child to this entity.


KeyError – if an object with this key already exists

  • item (Entity or mdt.Atom) – the child object to add
  • key (str) – Key to retrieve this item (default: item.name )

Assign bonds from bioresidue templates.

Only assigns bonds that are internal to this residue (does not connect different residues). The topologies here assume pH7.4 and may need to be corrected for other pHs

See also

moldesign.Chain.assign_biopolymer_bonds for assigning inter-residue bonds

  • ValueError – if residue.resname is not in bioresidue templates
  • KeyError – if an atom in this residue is not recognized

Residue – synonym for `self` for for the sake of readability – `molecule.chains['A'].residues[123].atomnames['CA']`


AtomList – all backbone atoms for nucleic and protein residues (indentified using PDB names); returns None for other residue types


str – one-letter amino acid code or two letter nucleic acid code, or ‘?’ otherwise


Copy a group of atoms which may already have bonds, residues, and a parent molecule assigned. Do so by copying only the relevant entities, and creating a “mask” with deepcopy’s memo function to stop anything else from being copied.

Returns:list of copied atoms
Return type:AtomList

bool – this is the last base in a strand

Raises:ValueError – if this residue is not a DNA base

bool – this is the first base in a strand

Raises:ValueError – if this residue is not a DNA base

bool – this is the first residue in a peptide

Raises:ValueError – if this residue is not an amino acid

bool – this residue is not part of a biopolymer


bool – this is the last residue in a peptide

Raises:ValueError – if this residue is not an amino acid

bool – this residue is a “standard residue” for the purposes of a PDB entry.

In PDB files, this will be stored using ‘ATOM’ if this is a standard residue and ‘HETATM’ records if not.


We currently define “standard” residues as those whose 3 letter residue code appears in the moldesign.data.RESIDUE_DESCRIPTIONS dictionary. Although this seems to work well, we’d welcome a PR with a less hacky method.


PDB format guide: http://www.wwpdb.org/documentation/file-format


Markdown-formatted information about this residue

Returns:markdown-formatted string
Return type:str
Residue – The next residue in the chain (in the C-direction for proteins, 3’
direction for nucleic acids)
  • NotImplementedError – If we don’t know how to deal with this type of biopolymer
  • StopIteration – If there isn’t a next residue (i.e. it’s a 3’- or C-terminus)


The next residue in the chain (in the N-direction for proteins, 5’ direction for
nucleic acids)
  • NotImplementedError – If we don’t know how to deal with this type of biopolymer
  • StopIteration – If there isn’t a previous residue (i.e. it’s a 5’- or N-terminus)

str – Synonym for pdbname


AtomList – all sidechain atoms for nucleic and protein residues (defined as non-backbone atoms); returns None for other residue types


str – Classification of the residue (protein, solvent, dna, water, unknown)

3.2. Chains

class moldesign.Chain(pdbname=None, **kwargs)[source]

Biomolecular chain class - its children are almost always residues.


mdt.Molecule – the molecule this residue belongs to


Chain – the chain this residue belongs to


Connect bonds between residues in this chain.

See also


  • ValueError – if residue.resname is not in bioresidue templates
  • KeyError – if an atom in this residue is not recognized

moldesign.Residue – The chain’s C-terminus (or None if it does not exist)


Copy a group of atoms which may already have bonds, residues, and a parent molecule assigned. Do so by copying only the relevant entities, and creating a “mask” with deepcopy’s memo function to stop anything else from being copied.

Returns:list of copied atoms
Return type:AtomList

moldesign.Residue – The chain’s 5’ base (or None if it does not exist)


Return a (single) ligand if it exists; raises ValueError if there’s not exactly one

This is a utility routine to get a single ligand from a chain. If there’s exactly one residue, it is returned. If not, ValueError is raised - use Chain.unclassified_residues() to get an iterator over all unclassified residues.

Returns:ligand residue
Return type:moldesign.Residue
Raises:ValueError – if the chain does not contain exactly one unclassifiable residue

moldesign.Residue – The chain’s N-terminus (or None if it does not exist)


ChildList – list of residues in this chain


str – this chain’s residue sequence with one-letter residue codes


moldesign.Residue – The chain’s 3’ base (or None if it does not exist)


str – the type of chain - protein, DNA, solvent, etc.

This field returns the type of chain, classified by the following rules: 1) If the chain contains only one type of residue, it is given that classification

(so a chain containing only ions has type “ion”
  1. If the chain contains a biopolymer + ligands and solvent, it is classified as a biopolymer (i.e. ‘protein’, ‘dna’, or ‘rna’). This is the most common case with .pdb files from the PDB.
  2. If the chain contains multiple biopolymer types, it will be given a hybrid classification (e.g. ‘dna/rna’, ‘protein/dna’) - this is rare!
  3. If it contains multiple kinds of non-biopolymer residues, it will be called “solvent” (if all non-bio residues are water/solvent/ion) or given a hybrid name as in 3)