1. Reading and building molecules

1.1. From names and IDs

You can use an IUPAC name:

>>> import moldesign as mdt
>>> benzene = mdt.from_name('benzene')
>>> caffeine = mdt.from_name('1,3,7-Trimethylpurine-2,6-dione')

or a SMILES string

>>> benzene = mdt.from_smiles('c1ccccc1')
>>> caffeine = mdt.from_smiles('CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C(=O)N2C)C')

To download a biomolecular structure from the Protein DataBank, you can use

>>> hiv_protease = mdt.from_pdb('3AID')

DNA helices can be generated from a genetic sequence:

>>> bdna = mdt.build_dna_helix('ACTG')

1.2. From files

MDT supports most common molecular formats via moldesign.read. In most cases, the format can be inferred from the filename. Files compressed with gz or bz2 can be read as well.

>>> benzene = mdt.read('benzene.sdf')
>>> caffeine = mdt.read('caffeine.xyz')
>>> lsd = mdt.read('lsd.mol2.gz')
>>> hiv_protease = mdt.read('3aid.pdb.bz2')
>>> zika_capsid = mdt.read('5ire.cif')
In addition, any pickled python object can be read in with this function - files with pickle, pkl, and P are recognized as pickle files:
>>> saved_mol = mdt.read('molecule_1.pickle')
>>> saved_atom = mdt.read('atom_2.pkl.gz')
>>> saved_trajectory = mdt.read('traj.P.bz2')

1.3. From strings

File content in strings or file-like objects can be read as well, but the format needs to be explicitly specified.

>>> water_str = """ 3
>>>                 water xyz file
>>>                 O          0.98285        0.07497        0.04837
>>>                 H          0.70400        0.94631        0.36769
>>>                 H          1.95074        0.11856        0.06434 """
>>> water = mdt.read(water_str, format='xyz')
>>> import StringIO
>>> water_filelike = StringIO.StringIO(water_str)
>>> molecule = mdt.read(water_filelike, format='xyz')

1.4. From other molecules

You can create a new molecule from any collection of atoms.

For instance, a list of atoms:
>>> mol = mdt.Molecule([atom1, atom2])
An amino acid residue from another molecule:
>>> protein = mdt.from_pdb('3AID')
>>> mol1 = mdt.Molecule(protein.atoms[0:20])
>>> mol2 = mdt.Molecule(protein.chains['A'].residue['PRO1'])
Or even a list of molecules, atoms, and residues:
>>> protein = mdt.from_pdb('3AID')
>>> dmso = mdt.from_name('dmso')
>>> cobalt_atom = mdt.Atom(symbol='Co')
>>> complex = mdt.Molecule([protein, dmso, cobalt_atom])

1.5. From other python packages

MDT’s interfaces allow it to import objects from a variety of other molecular modeling packages, including;

  • OpenBabel / Pybel : mdt.interfaces.pybel_to_mdt(pybel_molecule)
  • OpenMM: mdt.interfaces.openmm_topology_to_mdt(openmm_topology)
  • BioPython: mdt.interfaces.biopython_to_mdt(biopython_pdb_structure)
  • PdbFixer: mdt.interfaces.pdbfixer_to_mdt(pdbfixer_object)