
Opinionlessly Express Opinions on Vault


The aomi tool does provide a bunch of mechanisms for easily pulling stuff out of Vault. It is not meant to replace things such as envconsul, but complement it. Generally we have been using these operations in continuous delivery pipelines where rotation of long lived secrets is not necessary.

key modification

The environment and template actions have several options which allow you to modify how the secret key will be presented. This is an evolution of the --prefix argument which is now deprecated. Previously, you could replace the first part of the Vault path with a static prefix.

aomi environment --prefix aaa foo/bar/baz

The same behavior is still available through a combination of new modifying options.

aomi environment --add-prefix aaa_ --no-merge-path foo/bar/baz

With --add-prefix and --add-suffix you can add a string to the front or end of a key. The --no-merge-path and --merge-path options force whether or not to use the full Vault path. The --key-map option can be passed in multiple times and takes a old=new argument and will cause the key names to be mapped accordingly, prior to other modifications.


This action takes two arguments - the source path and the destination file. The destination file directory must already exist. If the data from Vault is base64 encoded it will be decoded prior to being written to disk.

This example extracts a hypothetical SSH private into a users home directory.

aomi extract_file foo/bar/baz/private /home/foo/.ssh/id_rsa


This action takes a single argument - an AWS credentials path in Vault. In return, it will generate a shell snippet exporting the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variables. This output is sufficient to be eval’d (don’t do this) or piped to a file and sourced in to a shell. Export snippets can be generated with --export. If the AWS Vault path provides a STS token, this will also be used.

This example will render a shell environment snippet derived from dynamic IAM credentials.

aomi aws_environment foo/bar/baz/aws/creds/default


This action takes any number of Vault paths are it’s arguments. In return, it will generate a small snipped exporting the contained secrets as environment variables. This output is sufficient to be eval’d (no really, don’t do this) or piped to a file an sourced in to a shell. Export snippets can be generated with --export.

aomi environment foo/bar/baz

The previously available --prefix functionality has been replaced with more generic key modification functionality. The old functionality will still work for now, but will throw a warning about deprecation. Compare the following commands to see how the same effect would be accomplished now.

$ aomi environment foo/bar/baz --prefix foo/bar
$ aomi environment --no-merge-path foo/bar/baz --add-prefix baz_


This action takes at least three arguments - the template source, a destination file, and a list of Vault paths. Secrets will be included as variables in the template as the full path with forward slashes replaced by underscores. As an example, foo/bar/baz/user would become foo_bar_baz_user. The template format used is Jinja2. Note that hyphens will be replaced with underscores in variable names. Take the following example for generating a simple inifile configuration snippet.

$ vault read foo/bar
Key                  Value
---                  -----
refresh_interval     720h0m0s
user                 test
password             1234
$ cat /tmp/template
$ aomi template /tmp/template /tmp/render foo/bar
$ cat /tmp/render
username: test
password: 1234

Additional variables may be passed in via the command line with the --extra-vars option. This may be specified more than once and takes a key=value argument. You may also pass in YAML variable files with the --extra-vars-file options.

If your template requires iteration across a bunch of secrets then you may use the aomi_items variable, which is Python dictionary accessible from the Jinja2 template. This is automatically added to every aomi template context.

Builtin Templates

aomi includes some built in templates. They are specified them with a builtin: prefix. In combination with the key modification and extra variables this should allow easy support of non Vault native applications. When interacting with the builtin templates the --extra-args and --key-map can be used to help work with existing Vault schemas.

You may list all included builtin templates by invoking aomi template --builtin-list. You may get information on the template itself by invoking aomi template --builtin-info foo where foo is the template name. The following is a list of all templates and their required variables.

As an example, we can use the terraform-aws builtin template to render an AWS provider snippet. Note that we must pass in the required extra variable aws_region.

$ aomi template \
  builtin:terraform-aws \
  /tmp/ \
  aws/1234567890/creds/root \
  --no-merge-path \
  --extra-vars aws_region=us-east-1
$ cat /tmp/
provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-1"
  access_key = "REDACTED"
  secret_key = "REDACTED"