
Opinionlessly Express Opinions on Vault


There is a underlying assumption here that you have access to a working Vault server. If this is not currently the case, Vault has a great out of the box developer mode.

$ vault server -dev -dev-listen-address=""
Unseal Key (hex)   : 38058131e3e451fe0073f27ef2992e803fa2777f0075afffe3d21d90db75635c
Unseal Key (base64): OAWBMePkUf4Ac/J+8pkugD+id38Ada//49IdkNt1Y1w=
Root Token: fab4819e-9929-794d-1c5e-d3e036a25246

You can then either write the token to the ~/.vault-token file, or set it as the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable. If you have multiple Vault environments then you may find the hcvswitch tool to be helpful.

First Steps

You can pull aomi from Docker Hub and run it either on a workstation or within a continuous delivery pipeline. You can pass authentication information in through a variety of hints, but the easiest is to just use your already established Vault credentials.

To start, we will authenticate against Vault and run the container once.

$ vault auth -method=userpass username=foo
Password (will be hidden):
Successfully authenticated! You are now logged in.
The token below is already saved in the session. You do not
need to "vault auth" again with the token.
token: 7e8a2be4-d1b8-4ca8-a8fd-b35ef2591250
token_duration: 86400
token_policies: [default]
$ docker run \
      -v ${HOME}/.vault-token:/.vault-token \
aomi docker container
usage: aomi [-h]
aomi: error: too few arguments

If you are running vault in dev mode, the authentication will be slightly different. VAULT_ADDR needs to be set to the Docker IP address, NOT

Dev mode vault auth example

$ ifconfig -a | grep netmask | grep 172
	inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast

Above is output from my machine. Your machine will give different ips. Set the VAULT_ADDR to the docker ip address

$ export VAULT_ADDR=""

Authenticate to dev vault, using root token as credential.

Root token is part of output when starting vault in dev mode. In above example root token is fab4819e-9929-794d-1c5e-d3e036a25246

$ vault auth
    Token (will be hidden):
    Successfully authenticated! You are now logged in.
    token: fab4819e-9929-794d-1c5e-d3e036a25246
    token_duration: 0

We are now authenticated with a Vault instance and have aomi locally available for execution under Docker.


We are going to use a very simple Secretfile with a single generic secret. We will be creating a new directory and setting it up in a safe way.

$ cd /tmp
$ mkdir test
$ cd test
$ mkdir -p .secrets
$ echo "secret" > .secrets/a-secret
$ chmod -R og-rwx .secrets

Right now aomi assumes you are always in a git repo. To that end we need to create a fake .gitignore to appease it.

$ echo ".secrets" > .gitignore

We are now ready to create our simple Secretfile. Using the editor of your choice, edit the Secretfile to contain the following.

- files:
  - source: 'a-secret'
    name: 'a-secret'
  mount: 'secret'
  path: 'fresh'

You are now ready to write to your vault! To make it more exciting, we can invoke aomi in verbose mode. Note that when running in Docker, we need to be explicit about our file paths.

$ docker run \
    -v "${HOME}/.vault-token:/.vault-token" \
    -v "$(pwd):$(pwd)" \
    autodesk/aomi \
    seed --verbose --secretfile "$(pwd)/Secretfile" --secrets "$(pwd)/.secrets"
Connecting to
Token derived from /.vault-token
Token metadata operation seed
Token metadata via aomi
Token metadata hostname 1fde10ca1763
Using lease of 10s
writing file /tmp/test/.secrets/a-secret into secret/fresh/a-secret

You’ll note that aomi associates a bunch of metadata with our operational token. You can specify extra metadata if you wish with the --metadata option.


We’ve now written out a simple secret to Vault using our data model. But now we want to do something with it. For this, we have a few options.

To start, we can extract it as a file locally.

$ docker run \
    -v "${HOME}/.vault-token:/.vault-token" \
    -v "/tmp:/tmp" \
    autodesk/aomi \
    extract_file secret/fresh/a-secret /tmp/secret
$ cat /tmp/secret

You could also easily render a template. Let’s do this using the builtin JSON key/value template. Note that, by default, the “key” will include the full Vault path. You can get fancy with how this is represented with the key modification options.

$ docker run \
    -v "${HOME}/.vault-token:/.vault-token" \
    -v "/tmp:/tmp" \
    autodesk/aomi \
    template builtin:json-kv /tmp/secret.json secret/fresh
$ cat /tmp/secret.json
"secret_fresh_a_secret": "asda"

AWS Interactions

It is very easy to get AWS credentials into and out of Vault with aomi. This example shows how we can easily extract AWS credentials to a shell environment.


- aws_file: 'aws.yml'
  mount: 'AWS/1234567890'
  lease: "1800s"
  lease_max: "86400s"
  region: "us-east-1"
  - name: "root"
    arn: "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess"


access_key_id: "REDACTED"
secret_access_key: "REDACTED"

You can then seed this into Vault and, for example, render out a Terraform AWS provider snippet. We can do this with the builtin templates.

$ aomi seed
$ aomi template \
  builtin:terraform-aws \
  ./ \
  aws/1234567890/creds/root \
  --no-merge-path \
  --extra-vars aws_region=us-east-1
$ terraform apply 


The steps described in the quickstart are the basic workflow espoused by aomi.