
Opinionlessly Express Opinions on Vault

The aomi tool may make use of different sources of data when writing to the generic secret backend of Vault. The specified mountpoint must exist as a generic secret backend.

Generic Data Formats

The format will vary slightly depending on what your source data is. There are three types of static data which aomi may operate upon;

Static Files

You may specify a list of files and their destination Vault secret item. Each files section has a list of source files, and the key name they should use in Vault. Each instance of a files section must also include a Vault mount point and path. If a file contains non-unicode characters it will be base64 encoded.

The following example would create two secrets (private and public) based on the two files under the secrets directory and place them in the Vault path foo/bar/baz.


- files:
  - source: id_rsa
    name: private
  - source:
    name: public
  mount: foo/bar
  path: 'baz'

YAML Variable Files

You may define a preset list of secrets and associate them with a mountpoint and path. The var_file contains a list of YAML key value pairs. The following example would create two secrets (user and password) at the Vault path foo/bar/baz.


- var_file: 'foo.yml'
  mount: 'foo/bar'
  path: 'baz'


user: 'foo'
password: 'bar'

Generated Secrets

The aomi tool has the ability to populate a generic Vault path with random secrets. You still specify the mountpoint, path, and keys but not the contents. By default this is a write once operation but you can change this with the overwrite attribute. You can generate either random words or a uuid.


- generated:
    mount: 'foo'
    path: 'bar'
    - name: 'username'
      method: 'words'
    - name: 'password'
      method: 'uuid'
      overwrite: true