
Opinionlessly Express Opinions on Vault

The aomi tool has several themes behind it’s available operations.


The aomi tool will make several attempts at determining appropriate credentials to use with Vault. Upon receiving an initial token, it will request a short lived token for to use for itself. When requesting this token (which has a default TTL of ten seconds) an assortment of metadata is provided. The USER environment variable, the system hostname, and the current operation will always be included as token metadata. You may optionally add additional fields with the --metadata option in the format of key1=value1,key2=value2.

When sourcing a initial token first the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable will be searched, followed by the file ~/.vault-token. This is in-line with the default behavior of the Vault client itself. Next aomi will check the VAULT_APP_ID and VAULT_USER_ID environment variables followed by the file ~/.aomi-app-token. This file is YAML encoded with only the app_id and user_id attributes. You may override both the Vault token and App/User ID files with the VAULT_TOKEN_FILE and VAULT_APP_FILE environment variables.

The default behaviour for aomi is to create an operational token prior to interacting with Vault resources. This allows us to specify a TTL and metadata on the specific request. You can disable this behaviour with the --reuse-token argument, usable on all operations. Note that this will effecively disable the --lease and --metadata arguments.

Run Time Help

Every aomi operation can take a --verbose flag. By default, the tool is quite silent, using return codes to communicate status. The verbose mode is good for troubleshooting and should not display any sensitive information. This option may be specified twice at most.

When submitting issues please include the output of the command that has failed with --verbose specified twice. This will help up us troubleshoot and reproduce the submitted issues.

You should be able to trust that meaningful output will be written to stdout. All errors (and verbose information) will be written to stderr.

Help for operations should be available with the --help argument.