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The simulation class template performs a simulation using a SyDEVS node with no ports. This SyDEVS node is specified as the template parameter. The simulation class template can be found in simulation.h, which must be included in order to run simulations.
#include <sydevs/systems/simulation.h>
Sample Simulations
Several examples of simulations can be found in queueing.h. Below is one of the examples.
// Perform a simulation using the "parallel queueing" collection node.
try {
std::cout << "Testing parallel_queueing_node" << std::endl;
simulation<parallel_queueing_closed_system> sim(2_min, 0, std::cout);
std::cout << "Idle time: " << sim.top.idle_dt.value().rescaled(unit) << std::endl;
catch (const system_node::error& e) {
std::cout << "SYSTEM NODE ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cout << "OTHER ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
Simulation Instantiation
Simulations are instantiated with three arguments: the duration of the simulation, the random seed, and the output stream. In the example below, the simulation is to be run for 2 minutes of simulated time, the random seed is 0, and debug info is directed to the standard output stream.
simulation<parallel_queueing_closed_system> sim(2_min, 0, std::cout);
It is possible to supply specific start and end times instead of a total simulation duration. See the simulation class template reference.
Note that there is no danger in using a random seed of 0. The seed is transformed via a series of operations into a sequence of random numbers that are used to initialize the Mersenne Twister 19937 generator. The seeding algorithm can be found in node_context.cpp.
Simulation Configuration
Configuring a simulation involves supplying values to the parameter nodes, and setting print flags that determine what information is directed to the output stream. An example is below.
Parameter values are typically only required in cases where the topmost node in the simulation model hierarchy is a composite node. This topmost node is accessible via the public simulation member variable top
. Because components are declared public, the parameter nodes should be accessible as member variables of top
. Values are supplied to a parameter node using its set_value
member function. Some parameter nodes have default values set within the composite node; these parameters do not need to be assigned externally.
To indicate what information is directed to the output stream, one accesses a node or port within the model hierarchy, and invokes a member function. For nodes within the hierarchy, the member functions include the following: print_on_event
, which indicates the type of event being processed; print_elapsed_duration
, which provides the elapsed duration since the previous event of any type; and print_planned_duration
, which provides the planned duration until the next planned event. For ports, one may invoke print_on_use
, which provides the value that is either input or output from the port.
If any type of print flag is set within a prototype node of a collection node, the corresponding flag is set for all of the collection node’s agents.
Simulation Execution
The simplest way to execute a simulation is to call process_remaining_events
, which runs the simulation until it terminates.
It is also possible to run the simulation one event at a time, or in batches of events. See the simulation class reference for details.
Simulation Analysis
After a simulation completes, one may extract values from the statistic nodes by invoking the member function value
. Below is an example.
std::cout << "Idle time: " << sim.top.idle_dt.value().rescaled(unit) << std::endl;
Simulation Error Handling
It is recommended that at least two types of exceptions be caught. The first type is system_node::error
, which is primarily intended to capture exceptions caused by modeling mistakes. For example, if someone implements a node with an illegal operation in one of the event handlers, it should be caught by this exception type. The other exception type is the standard std::exception
, which should catch all other exceptions.
catch (const system_node::error& e) {
std::cout << "SYSTEM NODE ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception& e) {
std::cout << "OTHER ERROR: " << e.what() << std::endl;