Source code for moldesign.geom.coords

# Copyright 2016 Autodesk Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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#from singledispatch import singledispatch
import numpy as np

from moldesign import units as u
#from moldesign.molecules import Bond
from moldesign.mathutils import normalized, safe_arccos

from . import toplevel

# NEWFEATURE: preliminary profiling indicates that, for interactive work, the UNITS LIBRARY is
#       actually the biggest bottleneck

# NEWFEATURE: pyramidalization aka out-of-plane bending

[docs]def distance(a1, a2): """ Return distance between two atoms Args: a1,a2 (mdt.Atom): the two atoms Returns: u.Scalar[length]: the distance """ diffvec = a1.position - a2.position dim = len(diffvec.shape) if dim == 1: return np.sqrt( else: assert dim == 2 return np.sqrt((diffvec*diffvec).sum(axis=1))
# @distance.register(Bond) # def distance(bond): # return distance(bond.a1, bond.a2) @toplevel #@singledispatch
[docs]def angle(a1, a2, a3): """ The angle between bonds a2-a1 and a2-a3 Args: a1,a2,a3 (mdt.Atom): the atoms describing the angle Returns: u.Scalar[length]: the distance """ r21 = (a1.position - a2.position).defunits_value() # remove units immediately to improve speed r23 = (a3.position - a2.position).defunits_value() e12 = normalized(r21) e23 = normalized(r23) dim = len(e12.shape) if dim == 2: costheta = (e12*e23).sum(axis=1) else: assert dim == 1 costheta =, e23) theta = safe_arccos(costheta) return theta * u.radians
# # @angle.register(Bond) # def angle(b1, b2): # a1, a2, a3 = _join_bonds(b1, b2) # return angle(a1, a2, a3) def _join_bonds(b1, b2): """ Return a1, a2, a3, where a2 is the atom shared by both bonds """ try: a3 = b2.partner(b1.a2) except ValueError: return b1.a2, b1.a1, b2.partner(b1.a1) else: return b1.a1, b1.a2, a3 @toplevel #@singledispatch
[docs]def dihedral(a1, a2=None, a3=None, a4=None): """Twist angle of bonds a1-a2 and a4-a3 around around the central bond a2-a3 Can be called as ``dihedral(a1, a2, a3, a4)`` OR ``dihedral(a2, a2)`` OR ``dihedral(bond)`` Args: a1 (mdt.Bond): the central bond in the dihedral. OR a1,a2 (mdt.Atom): the atoms describing the dihedral a3,a4 (mdt.Atom): (optional) if not passed, ``a1`` and ``a2`` will be treated as the central atoms in this bond, and a3 and a4 will be inferred. Returns: (units.Scalar[angle]): angle - [0, 2 pi) radians """ if a3 is a4 is None: # infer the first and last atoms a1, a2, a3, a4 = _infer_dihedral(a1, a2) r21 = (a1.position - a2.position).defunits_value() # remove units immediately to improve speed r34 = (a4.position - a3.position).defunits_value() dim = len(r21.shape) center_bond = (a2.position - a3.position).defunits_value() plane_normal = normalized(center_bond) if dim == 1: r21_proj = r21 - plane_normal * r34_proj = r34 - plane_normal * else: assert dim == 2 r21_proj = r21 - plane_normal * (r21*plane_normal).sum(axis=1)[:, None] r34_proj = r34 - plane_normal * (r34*plane_normal).sum(axis=1)[:, None] va = normalized(r21_proj) vb = normalized(r34_proj) if dim == 1: costheta =, vb) if np.allclose(costheta, 1.0): return 0.0 * u.radians elif np.allclose(costheta, -1.0): return u.pi * u.radians else: costheta = (va*vb).sum(axis=1) abstheta = safe_arccos(costheta) cross = np.cross(va, vb) if dim == 1: theta = abstheta * np.sign(, plane_normal)) else: theta = abstheta * np.sign((cross*plane_normal).sum(axis=1)) return (theta * u.radians) % (2.0 * u.pi * u.radians)
def _infer_dihedral(a2, a3=None): """ Given two atoms defining the central bond in a dihedral, pick the first and last atoms in a heuristic way (see :meth:`_pick_atom`) to get a unique-ish definition. """ if a3 is None: # assume bond-like bond = a2 a2, a3 = bond.a1, bond.a2 a1 = _pick_atom(a2, a3) a4 = _pick_atom(a3, a2) return a1, a2, a3, a4 def _pick_atom(atom, nbr): """ Pick an atom bonded to ``atom`` that: A) is not nbr B) has the largest atomic number C) has the lowest index This gives us a unique definition for dihedrals when only passing 2 atoms """ newat = None if hasattr(atom, 'traj'): istraj = True traj = atom.traj atom = atom.real_atom nbr = nbr.real_atom else: istraj = False for bond in atom.bonds: pt = bond.partner(atom) if pt == nbr: continue elif newat is None: newat = pt elif newat.atnum < pt.atnum: newat = pt elif newat.atnum == pt.atnum and newat.index > pt.index: newat = pt if newat is None: raise ValueError('%s is not part of a dihedral' % atom) if istraj: newat = traj.atoms[newat.index] return newat # # @dihedral.register(Bond) # def dihedral(b1, b2=None, b3=None): # if b2 is b3 is None: # return dihedral(b1.a1, b1.a2) # # else: # a1, a2, a3 = _join_bonds(b1, b2) # a22, a33, a4 = _join_bonds(b2, b3) # # assert a22 == a2 # assert a33 == a3 # # return dihedral(a1, a2, a3, a4) # #