Source code for moldesign.helpers.helpers

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This module contains various helper functions used by MDT internally.

import collections

import numpy as np
import webcolors

from moldesign import units as u

[docs]class VolumetricGrid(object): """ Helper object for preparing gaussian CUBE files """ UNITS = u.angstrom def __init__(self, positions, padding=2.5*u.angstrom, npoints=25): mins = positions.min(axis=0) - padding maxes = positions.max(axis=0) + padding self.npoints = npoints self.xr = (mins[0], maxes[0]) self.yr = (mins[1], maxes[1]) self.zr = (mins[2], maxes[2]) self._origin = mins.value_in(self.UNITS) self.dx = (self.xr[1] - self.xr[0]).value_in(self.UNITS) / (float(npoints) - 1) self.dy = (self.yr[1] - self.yr[0]).value_in(self.UNITS) / (float(npoints) - 1) = (self.zr[1] - self.zr[0]).value_in(self.UNITS) / (float(npoints) - 1) self.fxyz = None
[docs] def xyzlist(self): stride = self.npoints * 1j grids = np.mgrid[self.xr[0]:self.xr[1]:stride, self.yr[0]:self.yr[1]:stride, self.zr[0]:self.zr[1]:stride] return grids * self.UNITS
[docs] def origin(self): return tuple(self._origin)
[docs]def get_all_atoms(*objects): """ Given Atoms, AtomContainers, lists of Atoms, and lists of AtomContainers, return a flat list of all atoms contained therein. A given atom is only returned once, even if it's found more than once. Args: *objects (moldesign.Atom OR moldesign.AtomContainer OR List[moldesign.Atom] OR List[moldesign.AtomContainer]): objects to take atoms from """ from moldesign import molecules atoms = collections.OrderedDict() for obj in objects: if isinstance(obj, molecules.Atom): atoms[obj] = None elif hasattr(obj, 'atoms'): atoms.update((x,None) for x in obj.atoms) else: for item in obj: if isinstance(item, molecules.Atom): atoms[item] = None elif hasattr(item, 'atoms'): atoms.update((x, None) for x in item.atoms) return molecules.AtomList(atoms.iterkeys())
[docs]def kinetic_energy(momenta, masses): return 0.5 * (momenta*momenta/masses).sum()
[docs]def kinetic_temperature(ke, dof): from moldesign.units import k_b t = (2.0*ke)/(k_b*dof) return t.defunits()
# def get_residues(obj, **queries): # """ # # Args: # obj (): # **queries (): # # Returns: # # """ # for residue in obj.residues: # pass # DEF_CATEGORICAL = 'Paired' DEF_SEQUENTIAL = None # should be inferno, but that's only MPL >1.5
[docs]def colormap(cats, mplmap='auto'): # should make it easy to choose one for: # categorical data # sequential (low, high important) # diverging data (low, mid, high important) # Can deal with numerical and categorical data # we'll treat ints as categories for now global DEF_SEQUENTIAL from matplotlib import cm if hasattr(cm, 'inferno'): DEF_SEQUENTIAL = 'inferno' else: DEF_SEQUENTIAL = 'BrBG' # strip units units = None if hasattr(cats[0], 'magnitude'): arr = u.array(cats) units = arr.units cats = arr.magnitude if not isinstance(cats, np.ndarray) and not isinstance(cats[0], float): # treat as # categorical values = np.zeros(len(cats), dtype='float') to_int = collections.OrderedDict() for i, item in enumerate(cats): if item not in to_int: to_int[item] = len(to_int) values[i] = to_int[item] if mplmap == 'auto': mplmap = DEF_CATEGORICAL else: # it's numerical values = np.array(cats, dtype='float') if mplmap == 'auto': mplmap = DEF_SEQUENTIAL cmap = getattr(cm, mplmap) mx = values.max() mn = values.min() r = (values - mn) / (mx - mn) # rescale to [0.0,1.0] rgb = cmap(r) hexcolors = [webcolors.rgb_to_hex(np.array(r[:3]) * 256) for r in rgb] return hexcolors