Source code for moldesign.interfaces.nbo_interface

# Copyright 2016 Autodesk Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import numpy as np

import moldesign as mdt
import moldesign.molecules.bonds
from moldesign import units as u
from moldesign import utils
from moldesign.utils import DotDict

SIGMA_UTF = u"\u03C3"
PI_UTF = u"\u03C0"

[docs]def run_nbo(mol, requests=('nlmo', 'nbo'), image='nbo', engine=None): wfn = mol.wfn inputs = {'in.47': make_nbo_input_file(mol, requests)} command = 'gennbo.i4.exe in.47' engine = utils.if_not_none(engine, mdt.compute.config.get_engine()) imagename = mdt.compute.get_image_path(image) job = engine.launch(imagename, command, inputs=inputs, name="nbo, %s" % moldesign.uibase.display_log(job.get_display_object(), "nbo, %s" job.wait() parsed_data = parse_nbo(job.get_output('FILE.10'), len(mol.wfn.aobasis)) for orbtype, data in parsed_data.iteritems(): if orbtype[0] == 'P': # copy data from the orthogonal orbitals orthdata = parsed_data[orbtype[1:]] for key in 'bond_names iatom jatom stars bondnums num_bonded_atoms'.split(): data[key] = orthdata[key] data.occupations = [None for orb in data.coeffs] add_orbitals(mol, wfn, data, orbtype) wfn._nbo_job = job
[docs]def add_orbitals(mol, wfn, orbdata, orbtype): orbs = [] for i in xrange(len(orbdata.coeffs)): bond = None atoms = [mol.atoms[orbdata.iatom[i] - 1]] if orbdata.bond_names[i] == 'RY': bname = '%s Ryd*' % atoms[0].name nbotype = 'rydberg' utf_name = bname elif orbdata.bond_names[i] == 'LP': bname = '%s lone pair' % atoms[0].name nbotype = 'lone pair' utf_name = bname elif orbdata.bond_names[i] == 'LV': bname = '%s lone vacancy' % atoms[0].name nbotype = 'lone vacancy' utf_name = bname elif orbdata.num_bonded_atoms[i] == 1: bname = '%s Core' % atoms[0].name nbotype = 'core' utf_name = bname else: atoms.append(mol.atoms[orbdata.jatom[i] - 1]) bond = moldesign.molecules.bonds.Bond(*atoms) if orbdata.bondnums[i] == 1: # THIS IS NOT CORRECT nbotype = 'sigma' utf_type = SIGMA_UTF else: nbotype = 'pi' utf_type = PI_UTF bname = '%s%s (%s - %s)' % (nbotype, orbdata.stars[i], atoms[0].name, atoms[1].name) utf_name = '%s%s (%s - %s)' % (utf_type, orbdata.stars[i], atoms[0].name, atoms[1].name) name = '%s %s' % (bname, orbtype) orbs.append(moldesign.methods.orbitals.Orbital(orbdata.coeffs[i], wfn=wfn, occupation=orbdata.occupations[i], atoms=atoms, name=name, nbotype=nbotype, bond=bond, unicode_name=utf_name, _data=orbdata)) return wfn.add_orbitals(orbs, orbtype=orbtype)
[docs]def make_nbo_input_file(mol, requests): """ :param mol: :type mol: moldesign.molecules.Molecule :return: """ # Units: angstroms, hartrees wfn = mol.wfn orbs = wfn.molecular_orbitals nbofile = [] # TODO: check for open shell wfn (OPEN keyword) # TODO: check normalization, orthogonalization nbofile.append(" $GENNBO BODM NATOMS=%d NBAS=%d $END" % (mol.num_atoms, len(wfn.aobasis))) commands = ['NBOSUM'] for r in requests: commands.append('AO%s=W10' % r.upper()) if r[0] != 'P': commands.append('%s' % r.upper()) nbofile.append('$NBO %s $END' % (' '.join(commands))) nbofile.append("$COORD\n %s" % for iatom, atom in enumerate(mol.atoms): #TODO: deal with pseudopotential electrons x, y, z = map(repr, atom.position.value_in(u.angstrom)) nbofile.append("%d %d %s %s %s" % (atom.atnum, atom.atnum, x, y, z)) nbofile.append("$END") nbofile.append("$BASIS") nbofile.append(' CENTER = ' + ' '.join(str(1+bfn.atom.index) for bfn in wfn.aobasis)) nbofile.append(" LABEL = " + ' '.join(str(AOLABELS[bfn.orbtype]) for bfn in wfn.aobasis)) nbofile.append('$END') #TODO: deal with CI wavefunctions ($WF keyword) nbofile.append('$OVERLAP') append_matrix(nbofile, wfn.aobasis.overlaps) nbofile.append('$END') nbofile.append('$DENSITY') append_matrix(nbofile, wfn.density_matrix) nbofile.append('$END') return '\n '.join(nbofile)
[docs]def parse_nbo(f, nbasis): lines = f.__iter__() parsed = {} while True: try: l = except StopIteration: break fields = l.split() if fields[1:5] == 'in the AO basis:'.split(): orbname = fields[0] assert orbname[-1] == 's' orbname = orbname[:-1] if orbname[0] == 'P': # these are pre-orthogonal orbitals, it only prints the coefficients coeffs = _parse_wrapped_matrix(lines, nbasis) parsed[orbname] = DotDict(coeffs=np.array(coeffs)) else: # there's more complete information available parsed[orbname] = read_orbital_set(lines, nbasis) return parsed
[docs]def read_orbital_set(lineiter, nbasis): # First, get the actual matrix mat = _parse_wrapped_matrix(lineiter, nbasis) # First, occupation numbers occupations = map(float,_get_wrapped_separated_vals(lineiter, nbasis)) # Next, a line of things that always appear to be ones (for spin orbitals maybe?) oneline = _get_wrapped_separated_vals(lineiter, nbasis) for x in oneline: assert x == '1' # next is number of atoms involved in the bond num_bonded_atoms = map(int, _get_wrapped_separated_vals(lineiter, nbasis)) bond_names = _get_wrapped_separated_vals(lineiter, nbasis) # Next indicates whether real or virtual stars = _get_wrapped_column_vals(lineiter, nbasis) for s in stars: assert (s == '' or s == '*') # number of bonds between this pair of atoms bondnums = map(int, _get_wrapped_separated_vals(lineiter, nbasis)) # first atom index (1-based) iatom = map(int, _get_wrapped_separated_vals(lineiter, nbasis)) jatom = map(int, _get_wrapped_separated_vals(lineiter, nbasis)) # The rest appears to be 0 most of the time ... return DotDict(coeffs=np.array(mat), iatom=iatom, jatom=jatom, bondnums=bondnums, bond_names=bond_names, num_bonded_atoms=num_bonded_atoms, stars=stars, occupations=occupations)
def _parse_wrapped_matrix(lineiter, nbasis): mat = [] for i in xrange(nbasis): currline = map(float, _get_wrapped_separated_vals(lineiter, nbasis)) assert len(currline) == nbasis mat.append(currline) return mat def _get_wrapped_separated_vals(lineiter, nbasis): vals = [] while True: l = vals.extend(l.split()) if len(vals) == nbasis: break assert len(vals) < nbasis return vals def _get_wrapped_column_vals(lineiter, nbasis): vals = [] while True: l =[1:] lenl = len(l) for i in xrange(20): if lenl <= 3*i + 1: break vals.append(l[3*i: 3*i + 3].strip()) if len(vals) == nbasis: break assert len(vals) < nbasis return vals
[docs]def append_matrix(l, mat): for row in mat: icol = 0 while icol < len(row): l.append(' ' + ' '.join(map(repr, row[icol:icol + 6]))) icol += 6
AOLABELS = {'s': 1, 'px': 101, 'py': 102, 'pz': 103, "dxx": 201, "dxy": 202, "dxz": 203, "dyy": 204, "dyz": 205, "dzz": 206, "fxxx": 301, "fxxy": 302, "fxxz": 303, "fxyy": 304, "fxyz": 305, "fxzz": 306, "fyyy": 307, "fyyz": 308, "fyzz": 309, "fzzz": 310, "gxxxx": 401, "gxxxy": 402, "gxxxz": 403, "gxxyy": 404, "gxxyz": 405, "gxxzz": 406, "gxyyy": 407, "gxyyz": 408, "gxyzz": 409, "gxzzz": 410, "gyyyy": 411, "gyyyz": 412, "gyyzz": 413, "gyzzz": 414, "gzzzz": 415, # end of cartesian # start of spherical: 'p(x)': 151, 'p(y)': 152, 'p(z)': 153, "d(xy)": 251, "d(xz)": 252, "d(yz)": 253, "d(x2-y2)": 254, "d(z2)": 255, "f(z(5z2-3r2))": 351, "f(x(5z2-r2))": 352, "f(y(5z2-r2))": 353, "f(z(x2-y2))": 354, "f(xyz)": 355, "f(x(x2-3y2))": 356, "f(y(3x2-y2))": 357}