Source code for moldesign.interfaces.pyscf_interface

# Copyright 2016 Autodesk Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from cStringIO import StringIO

import numpy as np
import imp

import moldesign.units as u
from moldesign import compute
from moldesign.utils import if_not_none, redirect_stderr
from moldesign import orbitals

except (ImportError, OSError) as exc:
    print 'PySCF not installed; using remote docker container'
    force_remote = True
    force_remote = False

[docs]def mol_to_pyscf(mol, basis, symmetry=None, charge=0, positions=None): """Convert an MDT molecule to a PySCF "Mole" object""" from pyscf import gto pyscfmol = gto.Mole() positions = if_not_none(positions, mol.atoms.position) pyscfmol.atom = [[atom.elem, pos.value_in(u.angstrom)] for atom, pos in zip(mol.atoms, positions)] pyscfmol.basis = basis pyscfmol.charge = charge if symmetry is not None: pyscfmol.symmetry = symmetry with redirect_stderr(StringIO()) as builderr: for line in builderr: if line.strip() == 'Warn: Ipython shell catchs sys.args': continue else: print 'PYSCF: ' + line return pyscfmol
# PYSCF appears to have weird names for spherical components? SPHERICAL_NAMES = {'y^3': (3, -3), 'xyz': (3, -2), 'yz^2': (3, -1), 'z^3': (3, 0), 'xz^2': (3, 1), 'zx^2': (3, 2), 'x^3': (3, 3), 'x2-y2': (2, 2)} SPHERICAL_NAMES.update(orbitals.ANGULAR_NAME_TO_COMPONENT) # TODO: need to handle parameters for max iterations, # level shifts, requiring convergence, restarts, initial guesses
[docs]class StatusLogger(object): LEN = 15 def __init__(self, description, columns, logger): self.logger = logger self.description = description self.columns = columns self._init = False self._row_format = ("{:<%d}" % self.LEN) + ("{:>%d}" % self.LEN) * (len(columns) - 1) def __call__(self, info): if not self._init: self.logger.status('Starting energy model calculation: %s' % self.description) self.logger.status(self._row_format.format(*self.columns)) self.logger.status(self._row_format.format(*['-' * (self.LEN - 2) for i in self.columns])) self._init = True self.logger.status(self._row_format.format(*[info.get(c, 'n/a') for c in self.columns]))
[docs]def get_eris_in_basis(basis, orbs): """ Get electron repulsion integrals transformed in (in form eri[i,j,k,l] = (ij|kl)) """ from pyscf import ao2mo pmol = mol_to_pyscf(basis.wfn.molecule, basis=basis.basisname) eri = ao2mo.full(pmol, orbs.T, compact=True) * u.hartree eri.defunits_inplace() return orbitals.ERI4FoldTensor(eri, orbs)
[docs]def basis_values(mol, basis, coords, coeffs=None, positions=None): """ Calculate the orbital's value at a position in space Args: mol (moldesign.Molecule): Molecule to attach basis set to basis (moldesign.orbitals.BasisSet): set of basis functions coords (Array[length]): List of coordinates (with shape ``(len(coords), 3)``) coeffs (Vector): List of ao coefficients (optional; if not passed, all basis fn values are returned) Returns: Array[length]: if ``coeffs`` is not passed, an array of basis fn values at each coordinate. Otherwise, a list of orbital values at each coordinate """ from pyscf.dft import numint # TODO: more than just create the basis by name ... pmol = mol_to_pyscf(mol, basis=basis.basisname, positions=positions) aovals = numint.eval_ao(pmol, np.ascontiguousarray(coords.value_in(u.bohr))) if coeffs is None: return aovals else: return