Source code for moldesign.interfaces.symmol_interface

# Copyright 2016 Autodesk Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import re

import fortranformat as ff
import numpy as np

import moldesign as mdt
from moldesign import units as u
from moldesign import utils

line_writer = ff.FortranRecordWriter('(a6,i2,6f9.5)')

[docs]def run_symmol(mol, tolerance=0.1 * u.angstrom, image='symmol', engine=None): infile = ['1.0 1.0 1.0 90.0 90.0 90.0', # line 1: indicates XYZ coordinates # line 2: numbers indicate: mass weighted moment of inertia, # tolerance interpretation, tolerance value, # larger tolerance value (not used) '1 0 %f 0.0' % tolerance.value_in(u.angstrom)] for atom in mol.atoms: infile.append(line_writer.write((atom.element, 1, atom.x.value_in(u.angstrom), atom.y.value_in(u.angstrom), atom.z.value_in(u.angstrom), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))) infile.append('') command = 'symmol <' inputs = {'': '\n'.join(infile)} # TODO: this boilerplate has to go engine = utils.if_not_none(engine, mdt.compute.get_engine()) imagename = mdt.compute.get_image_path(image) job = engine.launch(imagename, command, inputs=inputs, name="symmol, %s" % mdt.uibase.display_log(job.get_display_object(), "symmol, %s" job.wait() data = parse_output(job.get_output('symmol.out')) symm = mdt.geom.MolecularSymmetry( mol, data.symbol, data.rms, orientation=get_aligned_coords(mol, data), elems=data.elems, job=job) return symm
MATRIXSTRING = 'ORTHOGONALIZATION MATRIX'.split() ELEMENTSTRING = 'Symmetry element its CSM and Max.Diff. Symmetry element its CSM and Max.Diff.'.split() TRANSFORMATIONSTRING = 'SYMMETRY GROUP MATRICES'.split() NOSYMM = 'NO SYMMETRY EXISTS WITHIN GIVEN TOLERANCE'.split() ELEMPARSER = re.compile('(\d+)\) \[(...)\]\s+(\S+)\s+([\-0-9\.]+)\s+([\-0-9\.]+)') # this regex parses '1) [E ] x,y,z 0.0000 0.0000' -> [1, 'E ', 'x,y,z','0.0000','0.0000'] MATRIXPARSER = re.compile('(\d+)\s+CSM =\s+([\d\.]+)\s+MAX. DIFF. \(Angstrom\)=([\d\.]+)\s+TYPE (\S+)') # this parses ' 4 CSM = 0.06 MAX. DIFF. (Angstrom)=0.0545 TYPE C3' -> [4, 0.06, 0.545, C3]
[docs]def parse_output(outfile): lines = iter(outfile) data = mdt.utils.classes.DotDict() while True: l = fields = l.split() if fields == NOSYMM: data.symbol = 'C1' data.rms = data.cms = 0.0 * u.angstrom data.elems = [] data.orthmat = np.identity(3) return data elif fields == MATRIXSTRING: # get coordinates along principal axes data.orthmat = np.zeros((3, 3)) for i in xrange(3): data.orthmat[i] = map(float, elif fields[:2] == 'Schoenflies symbol'.split(): data.symbol = fields[3] data.csm = float(fields[6]) * u.angstrom data.rms = float(fields[-1]) * u.angstrom elif fields == ELEMENTSTRING: data.elems = [] while True: try: l = except StopIteration: break if l.strip() == '': break parsed = ELEMPARSER.findall(l) for p in parsed: elem = mdt.geom.SymmetryElement( idx=int(p[0])-1, symbol=p[1].strip(), matrix=_string_to_matrix(p[2]), csm=float(p[3]), max_diff=float(p[4]) * u.angstrom) if elem.symbol == 'E': elem.symbol = 'C1' data.elems.append(elem) break elif fields == TRANSFORMATIONSTRING: data.elems = [] l = while True: while l.strip() == '': try: l = except StopIteration: return data eleminfo = MATRIXPARSER.findall(l) if not eleminfo: return data # we're done assert len(eleminfo) == 1 info = eleminfo[0] matrix = np.zeros((3, 3)) for i in xrange(3): l = matrix[i, :] = map(float, l.split()) e = mdt.geom.SymmetryElement( matrix=matrix, idx=int(info[0])-1, csm=float(info[1]) * u.angstrom, max_diff=float(info[2]) * u.angstrom, symbol=info[3]) if e.symbol == 'E': e.symbol = 'C1' e.matrix = matrix data.elems.append(e) l = return data
DIMNUMS = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2} TRANSFORM_PARSER = re.compile('([+\-]?)([0-9\.]*)([xyz])') # this regex transforms '3z-5.3x+y' -> [('','3','z'),('-','5.3','x'),('+','','y')] def _string_to_matrix(string): """ Symmol often returns a symmetry operation as something like "+x,-z,+y" This means that the x axis is mapped onto x, y axis is mapped onto -z, and +y is mapped onto z. We translate this into a transformation matrix here. :param string: A string representing axis mapping, of the form 'x,-z,x+y' :return: 3x3 transformation matrix """ mat = [] for dim in string.split(','): row = np.zeros(3) components = TRANSFORM_PARSER.findall(dim) for sign, factor, dimname in components: if factor.strip() == '': factor = '1' idim = DIMNUMS[dimname] row[idim] = float(sign + factor) row = row / np.sqrt( # normalize mat.append(row) return np.array(mat)
[docs]def get_aligned_coords(mol, data): com = centerpos = mol.atoms.position - com orthcoords = (centerpos.T.ldot(data.orthmat)).T return orthcoords