Source code for moldesign.molecules.atomcollections

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import copy

import numpy as np

import moldesign as mdt
from moldesign import units as u
from moldesign import utils, external, mathutils
from . import toplevel

[docs]class AtomContainer(object): """ Mixin functions for objects that have a ``self.atoms`` attribute with a list of atoms Attributes: atoms (List[Atom]): a list of atoms """ @property def positions(self): """ u.Array[length]: (Nx3) array of atomic positions """ return self.atoms.position @positions.setter def positions(self, val): assert len(val) == self.num_atoms for atom, p in zip(self.atoms, val): atom.position = p def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ This should never be called directly - it will be called by the `super` methods of its subclasses """ super(AtomContainer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._atom_attrs = None self.viz2d = None self.viz3d = None @property def heavy_atoms(self): """ AtomList: a list of all heavy atoms (i.e., non-hydrogen) in this object """ return AtomList([a for a in self.atoms if a.atnum != 1]) @property def mass(self): """ u.Scalar[mass]: total mass of this object """ return sum(a.mass for a in self.atoms)
[docs] def get_atoms(self, **queries): """Allows keyword-based atom queries. Args: **queries (dict): parameters to match Returns: AtomList: the atoms matching this query """ if not queries: return self def atom_callback(atom, attrs): obj = atom for attr in attrs: obj = getattr(obj, attr) return obj result = AtomList() for atom in self.atoms: for q, matches in queries.iteritems(): attr = atom_callback(atom, q.split('.')) if type(matches) in (list, tuple): if attr not in matches: break else: if attr != matches: break else: # if here, this atom matched all queries result.append(atom) return result
[docs] def calc_distance_array(self, other=None): """ Calculate an array of pairwise distance between all atoms in self and other Args: other (AtomContainer): object to calculate distances to (default: self) Returns: u.Array[length]: 2D array of pairwise distances between the two objects Example: >>> dists = self.calc_distance_array(other) >>> dists[i, j] == self.atoms[i].distance(other.atoms[j]) """ from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist other = utils.if_not_none(other, self) try: other_positions = other.positions.defunits_value() except AttributeError: other_positions = np.array([other.position.defunits_value()]) distances = cdist(self.positions.defunits_value(), other_positions) return distances * u.default.length
[docs] def calc_displacements(self): """ Calculate an array of displacements between all atoms in this object Returns: u.Array[length]: array of pairwise displacements between atoms Example: >>> displacements = self.calc_displacements(other) >>> displacements[i, j] == (self.atoms[i].position - self.atoms[j].position) """ # TODO: allow other, similar to calc_distance array return utils.pairwise_displacements(self.positions)
[docs] def distance(self, other): """Returns closest distance between this and the other entity Args: other (AtomContainer): object to calculate distance to Returns: u.Scalar[length]: closest distance between self and other Example: >>> distance = self.distance(other) >>> distance == self.calc_distance_array(other).min() """ distance_array = self.calc_distance_array(other) return distance_array.min()
[docs] def atoms_within(self, radius, other=None, include_self=False): """ Return all atoms in an object within a given radius of this object Args: radius (u.Scalar[length]): radius to search for atoms other (AtomContainer): object containing the atoms to search (default:self.parent) include_self (bool): if True, include the atoms from this object (since, by definition, their distance from this object is 0) Returns: AtomList: list of the atoms within ``radius`` of this object """ if other is None: other = self.atoms[0].molecule if not include_self: myatoms = set(self.atoms) close_atoms = AtomList() for atom in other.atoms: if self.distance(atom) <= radius and (include_self or (atom not in myatoms)): close_atoms.append(atom) return close_atoms
@property def num_atoms(self): """ int: number of atoms in this object """ return len(self.atoms) natoms = num_atoms @property def center_of_mass(self): """ units.Vector[length]: The (x,y,z) coordinates of this object's center of mass """ total_mass = 0.0 * u.default.mass com = np.zeros(3) * u.default.length * u.default.mass for atom in self.atoms: total_mass += atom.mass com += atom.position * atom.mass com = com / total_mass return com com = center_of_mass # synonym def _getatom(self, a): """ Given an atom's name, index, or object, return the atom object """ if a is None: return None elif isinstance(a, basestring) or isinstance(a, int): return self[a] else: return a
[docs] def angle(self, a1, a2, a3): """ Calculate the angle between three atoms. Atoms can be passed as the atoms themselves or as the atom names Args: a1, a2, a3 (str OR int OR moldesign.Atom): atoms defining the angle Returns: units.Scalar[angle] """ # TODO: use single dispatch to also accept two bonds return mdt.geom.angle(*map(self._getatom, (a1, a2, a3)))
[docs] def dihedral(self, a1, a2, a3=None, a4=None): """ Calculate the dihedral angle between atoms a1, a2, a3, a4. Atoms can be passed as the atoms themselves or as the atom names Args: a1, a2, a3, a4 (str OR int OR moldesign.Atom): atoms defining the dihedral Returns: units.Scalar[angle] """ return mdt.geom.dihedral(*map(self._getatom, (a1, a2, a3, a4)))
[docs] def draw(self, width=500, height=500, show_2dhydrogens=None, display=False): """ Visualize this molecule (Jupyter only). Creates a 3D viewer, and, for small molecules, a 2D viewer). Args: width (int): width of the viewer in pixels height (int): height of the viewer in pixels show_2dhydrogens (bool): whether to show the hydrogens in 2d (default: True if there are 10 or less heavy atoms, false otherwise) display (bool): immediately display this viewer Returns: moldesign.ui.SelectionGroup """ import ipywidgets as ipy import IPython.display if self.num_atoms < 40: viz2d = self.draw2d(width=width, height=height, display=False, show_hydrogens=show_2dhydrogens) viz3d = self.draw3d(width=width, height=height, display=False) views = ipy.HBox([viz2d, viz3d]) else: views = self.draw3d(display=False) displayobj = mdt.uibase.SelectionGroup([views, mdt.uibase.components.AtomInspector()]) if display: IPython.display.display(displayobj) return displayobj
[docs] def draw3d(self, highlight_atoms=None, **kwargs): """ Draw this object in 3D. Jupyter only. Args: highlight_atoms (List[Atom]): atoms to highlight when the structure is drawn Returns: mdt.GeometryViewer: 3D viewer object """ from moldesign import viewer self.viz3d = viewer.GeometryViewer(self, **kwargs) if highlight_atoms is not None: self.viz3d.highlight_atoms(highlight_atoms) return self.viz3d
[docs] def draw2d(self, highlight_atoms=None, show_hydrogens=None, **kwargs): """ Draw this object in 2D. Jupyter only. Args: highlight_atoms (List[Atom]): atoms to highlight when the structure is drawn show_hydrogens (bool): whether to draw the hydrogens or not (default: True if there are 10 or less heavy atoms, false otherwise) Returns: mdt.ChemicalGraphViewer: 2D viewer object """ from moldesign import viewer if show_hydrogens is None: show_hydrogens = len(self.heavy_atoms) <= 10 if not show_hydrogens: alist = [atom for atom in self.atoms if atom.atnum > 1] else: alist = self self.viz2d = viewer.DistanceGraphViewer(alist, **kwargs) if highlight_atoms: self.viz2d.highlight_atoms(highlight_atoms) return self.viz2d
[docs] def copy(self): """ Copy a group of atoms which may already have bonds, residues, and a parent molecule assigned. Do so by copying only the relevant entities, and creating a "mask" with deepcopy's memo function to stop anything else from being copied. Returns: AtomList: list of copied atoms """ from . import ChildList oldatoms = self.atoms old_bond_graph = {a: {} for a in self.atoms} for atom in self.atoms: for nbr in atom.bond_graph: if nbr in old_bond_graph: old_bond_graph[atom][nbr] = atom.bond_graph[nbr] # Figure out which bonds, residues and chains to copy tempatoms = AtomList([copy.copy(atom) for atom in oldatoms]) old_to_new = dict(zip(oldatoms, tempatoms)) temp_bond_graph = {a: {} for a in tempatoms} replaced = {} for atom, oldatom in zip(tempatoms, oldatoms): atom.molecule = None atom.bond_graph = {} if atom.chain is not None: if atom.chain not in replaced: chain = copy.copy(atom.chain) chain.molecule = None chain.children = ChildList(chain) replaced[atom.chain] = chain else: chain = replaced[atom.chain] atom.chain = chain if atom.residue is not None: if atom.residue not in replaced: res = copy.copy(atom.residue) res.molecule = None res.chain = atom.chain res.children = ChildList(res) res.chain.add(res) replaced[atom.residue] = res else: res = replaced[atom.residue] atom.residue = res assert atom.residue.chain is atom.chain res.add(atom) for oldnbr, bondorder in oldatom.bond_graph.iteritems(): if oldnbr not in old_to_new: continue newnbr = old_to_new[oldnbr] temp_bond_graph[atom][newnbr] = bondorder # Finally, do a deepcopy, which bring all the information along without linking it newatoms, new_bond_graph = copy.deepcopy((tempatoms, temp_bond_graph)) for atom, original in zip(newatoms, oldatoms): atom.bond_graph = new_bond_graph[atom] atom.position = original.position atom.momentum = original.momentum return AtomList(newatoms)
########################################### # Routines to modify the geometry
[docs] def rotate(self, angle, axis, center=None): """Rotate this object in 3D space Args: angle (u.Scalar[angle]): angle to rotate by axis (u.Vector[length]): axis to rotate about (len=3) center (u.Vector[length]): center of rotation (len=3) (default: origin) """ center = utils.if_not_none(center, if hasattr(angle, 'units'): angle = angle.value_in(u.radians) rotmat = external.transformations.rotation_matrix(angle, axis, point=center) self.transform(rotmat)
[docs] def translate(self, vector): """Translate this object in 3D space Args: vector (u.Vector[length]): translation vector, len=3 """ for atom in self.atoms: atom.position += vector
[docs] def transform(self, matrix): """ Transform this object's coordinates using the provided 4x4 matrix Args: matrix (numpy.ndarray): transformation matrix, shape=(4,4) """ # TODO: deal with units ... hard because the matrix has diff units for diff columns assert matrix.shape == (4, 4) positions = u.array(self.atoms.position) newpos = mathutils.apply_4x4_transform(matrix, positions) for atom, r in zip(self.atoms, newpos): atom.position = r
[docs]class AtomList(list, AtomContainer): """A list of atoms that allows attribute "slicing" - accessing an attribute of the list will return a list of atom attributes. Example: >>> atomlist.mass == [atom.mass for atom in atomlist.atoms] >>> getattr(atomlist, attr) == [getattr(atom, attr) for atom in atomlist.atoms] """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AtomList, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __dir__(self): """ Overrides ``dir`` to allow tab completion for both this object's attributes and the underlying atomic properties """ if self._atom_attrs is None: self._atom_attrs = set([k for k,v in self.atoms[0].__dict__.iteritems() if not callable(v)]) return list(self._atom_attrs.union(dir(self.__class__)).union(self.__dict__)) def __getattr__(self, item): """ Returns an array of atomic properties, e.g., an array of all atomic masses is returned by ``AtomContainer.mass = AtomContainer.__getattr__('mass')`` """ if item.startswith('__'): raise AttributeError atom_attrs = [getattr(atom, item) for atom in self.atoms] try: return u.array(atom_attrs) except (TypeError, StopIteration): return atom_attrs def __setattr__(self, key, vals): """ Set an array of atomic properties, e.g., set all atomic masses to 1 with ``atoms.mass = [1.0 for a in atoms]`` """ assert len(vals) == len(self) for atom, v in zip(self, vals): setattr(atom, key, v) @property def atoms(self): """This is a synonym for self so that AtomContainer methods will work here too""" return self def __getslice__(self, *args, **kwargs): return AtomList(super(AtomList, self).__getslice__(*args, **kwargs))