# Copyright 2016 Autodesk Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import copy
import numpy as np
import moldesign as mdt
from moldesign import units as u
from moldesign import utils, external, mathutils
from . import toplevel
[docs]class AtomContainer(object):
""" Mixin functions for objects that have a ``self.atoms`` attribute with a list of atoms
atoms (List[Atom]): a list of atoms
def positions(self):
""" u.Array[length]: (Nx3) array of atomic positions
return self.atoms.position
def positions(self, val):
assert len(val) == self.num_atoms
for atom, p in zip(self.atoms, val):
atom.position = p
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" This should never be called directly - it will be called by the `super` methods
of its subclasses """
super(AtomContainer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._atom_attrs = None
self.viz2d = None
self.viz3d = None
def heavy_atoms(self):
""" AtomList: a list of all heavy atoms (i.e., non-hydrogen) in this object """
return AtomList([a for a in self.atoms if a.atnum != 1])
def mass(self):
""" u.Scalar[mass]: total mass of this object
return sum(a.mass for a in self.atoms)
[docs] def get_atoms(self, **queries):
"""Allows keyword-based atom queries.
**queries (dict): parameters to match
AtomList: the atoms matching this query
if not queries: return self
def atom_callback(atom, attrs):
obj = atom
for attr in attrs:
obj = getattr(obj, attr)
return obj
result = AtomList()
for atom in self.atoms:
for q, matches in queries.iteritems():
attr = atom_callback(atom, q.split('.'))
if type(matches) in (list, tuple):
if attr not in matches: break
if attr != matches: break
else: # if here, this atom matched all queries
return result
[docs] def calc_distance_array(self, other=None):
""" Calculate an array of pairwise distance between all atoms in self and other
other (AtomContainer): object to calculate distances to (default: self)
u.Array[length]: 2D array of pairwise distances between the two objects
>>> dists = self.calc_distance_array(other)
>>> dists[i, j] == self.atoms[i].distance(other.atoms[j])
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
other = utils.if_not_none(other, self)
other_positions = other.positions.defunits_value()
except AttributeError:
other_positions = np.array([other.position.defunits_value()])
distances = cdist(self.positions.defunits_value(), other_positions)
return distances * u.default.length
[docs] def calc_displacements(self):
""" Calculate an array of displacements between all atoms in this object
u.Array[length]: array of pairwise displacements between atoms
>>> displacements = self.calc_displacements(other)
>>> displacements[i, j] == (self.atoms[i].position - self.atoms[j].position)
# TODO: allow other, similar to calc_distance array
return utils.pairwise_displacements(self.positions)
[docs] def distance(self, other):
"""Returns closest distance between this and the other entity
other (AtomContainer): object to calculate distance to
u.Scalar[length]: closest distance between self and other
>>> distance = self.distance(other)
>>> distance == self.calc_distance_array(other).min()
distance_array = self.calc_distance_array(other)
return distance_array.min()
[docs] def atoms_within(self, radius, other=None, include_self=False):
""" Return all atoms in an object within a given radius of this object
radius (u.Scalar[length]): radius to search for atoms
other (AtomContainer): object containing the atoms to search (default:self.parent)
include_self (bool): if True, include the atoms from this object (since, by definition,
their distance from this object is 0)
AtomList: list of the atoms within ``radius`` of this object
if other is None:
other = self.atoms[0].molecule
if not include_self:
myatoms = set(self.atoms)
close_atoms = AtomList()
for atom in other.atoms:
if self.distance(atom) <= radius and (include_self or (atom not in myatoms)):
return close_atoms
def num_atoms(self):
""" int: number of atoms in this object """
return len(self.atoms)
natoms = num_atoms
def center_of_mass(self):
""" units.Vector[length]: The (x,y,z) coordinates of this object's center of mass """
total_mass = 0.0 * u.default.mass
com = np.zeros(3) * u.default.length * u.default.mass
for atom in self.atoms:
total_mass += atom.mass
com += atom.position * atom.mass
com = com / total_mass
return com
com = center_of_mass # synonym
def _getatom(self, a):
""" Given an atom's name, index, or object, return the atom object
if a is None:
return None
elif isinstance(a, basestring) or isinstance(a, int):
return self[a]
return a
[docs] def angle(self, a1, a2, a3):
""" Calculate the angle between three atoms.
Atoms can be passed as the atoms themselves or as the atom names
a1, a2, a3 (str OR int OR moldesign.Atom): atoms defining the angle
# TODO: use single dispatch to also accept two bonds
return mdt.geom.angle(*map(self._getatom, (a1, a2, a3)))
[docs] def dihedral(self, a1, a2, a3=None, a4=None):
""" Calculate the dihedral angle between atoms a1, a2, a3, a4.
Atoms can be passed as the atoms themselves or as the atom names
a1, a2, a3, a4 (str OR int OR moldesign.Atom): atoms defining the dihedral
return mdt.geom.dihedral(*map(self._getatom, (a1, a2, a3, a4)))
[docs] def draw(self, width=500, height=500, show_2dhydrogens=None, display=False):
""" Visualize this molecule (Jupyter only).
Creates a 3D viewer, and, for small molecules, a 2D viewer).
width (int): width of the viewer in pixels
height (int): height of the viewer in pixels
show_2dhydrogens (bool): whether to show the hydrogens in 2d (default: True if there
are 10 or less heavy atoms, false otherwise)
display (bool): immediately display this viewer
import ipywidgets as ipy
import IPython.display
if self.num_atoms < 40:
viz2d = self.draw2d(width=width, height=height,
viz3d = self.draw3d(width=width, height=height,
views = ipy.HBox([viz2d, viz3d])
views = self.draw3d(display=False)
displayobj = mdt.uibase.SelectionGroup([views, mdt.uibase.components.AtomInspector()])
if display:
return displayobj
[docs] def draw3d(self, highlight_atoms=None, **kwargs):
""" Draw this object in 3D. Jupyter only.
highlight_atoms (List[Atom]): atoms to highlight when the structure is drawn
mdt.GeometryViewer: 3D viewer object
from moldesign import viewer
self.viz3d = viewer.GeometryViewer(self, **kwargs)
if highlight_atoms is not None:
return self.viz3d
[docs] def draw2d(self, highlight_atoms=None, show_hydrogens=None, **kwargs):
Draw this object in 2D. Jupyter only.
highlight_atoms (List[Atom]): atoms to highlight when the structure is drawn
show_hydrogens (bool): whether to draw the hydrogens or not (default: True if there
are 10 or less heavy atoms, false otherwise)
mdt.ChemicalGraphViewer: 2D viewer object
from moldesign import viewer
if show_hydrogens is None:
show_hydrogens = len(self.heavy_atoms) <= 10
if not show_hydrogens:
alist = [atom for atom in self.atoms if atom.atnum > 1]
alist = self
self.viz2d = viewer.DistanceGraphViewer(alist, **kwargs)
if highlight_atoms: self.viz2d.highlight_atoms(highlight_atoms)
return self.viz2d
[docs] def copy(self):
Copy a group of atoms which may already have bonds, residues, and a parent molecule
assigned. Do so by copying only the relevant entities, and creating a "mask" with
deepcopy's memo function to stop anything else from being copied.
AtomList: list of copied atoms
from . import ChildList
oldatoms = self.atoms
old_bond_graph = {a: {} for a in self.atoms}
for atom in self.atoms:
for nbr in atom.bond_graph:
if nbr in old_bond_graph:
old_bond_graph[atom][nbr] = atom.bond_graph[nbr]
# Figure out which bonds, residues and chains to copy
tempatoms = AtomList([copy.copy(atom) for atom in oldatoms])
old_to_new = dict(zip(oldatoms, tempatoms))
temp_bond_graph = {a: {} for a in tempatoms}
replaced = {}
for atom, oldatom in zip(tempatoms, oldatoms):
atom.molecule = None
atom.bond_graph = {}
if atom.chain is not None:
if atom.chain not in replaced:
chain = copy.copy(atom.chain)
chain.molecule = None
chain.children = ChildList(chain)
replaced[atom.chain] = chain
chain = replaced[atom.chain]
atom.chain = chain
if atom.residue is not None:
if atom.residue not in replaced:
res = copy.copy(atom.residue)
res.molecule = None
res.chain = atom.chain
res.children = ChildList(res)
replaced[atom.residue] = res
res = replaced[atom.residue]
atom.residue = res
assert atom.residue.chain is atom.chain
for oldnbr, bondorder in oldatom.bond_graph.iteritems():
if oldnbr not in old_to_new: continue
newnbr = old_to_new[oldnbr]
temp_bond_graph[atom][newnbr] = bondorder
# Finally, do a deepcopy, which bring all the information along without linking it
newatoms, new_bond_graph = copy.deepcopy((tempatoms, temp_bond_graph))
for atom, original in zip(newatoms, oldatoms):
atom.bond_graph = new_bond_graph[atom]
atom.position = original.position
atom.momentum = original.momentum
return AtomList(newatoms)
# Routines to modify the geometry
[docs] def rotate(self, angle, axis, center=None):
"""Rotate this object in 3D space
angle (u.Scalar[angle]): angle to rotate by
axis (u.Vector[length]): axis to rotate about (len=3)
center (u.Vector[length]): center of rotation (len=3) (default: origin)
center = utils.if_not_none(center, self.com)
if hasattr(angle, 'units'): angle = angle.value_in(u.radians)
rotmat = external.transformations.rotation_matrix(angle, axis, point=center)
[docs] def translate(self, vector):
"""Translate this object in 3D space
vector (u.Vector[length]): translation vector, len=3
for atom in self.atoms:
atom.position += vector
[docs]class AtomList(list, AtomContainer):
"""A list of atoms that allows attribute "slicing" - accessing an attribute of the
list will return a list of atom attributes.
>>> atomlist.mass == [atom.mass for atom in atomlist.atoms]
>>> getattr(atomlist, attr) == [getattr(atom, attr) for atom in atomlist.atoms]
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AtomList, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def __dir__(self):
Overrides ``dir`` to allow tab completion for both this object's attributes
and the underlying atomic properties
if self._atom_attrs is None:
self._atom_attrs = set([k for k,v in self.atoms[0].__dict__.iteritems()
if not callable(v)])
return list(self._atom_attrs.union(dir(self.__class__)).union(self.__dict__))
def __getattr__(self, item):
Returns an array of atomic properties, e.g., an array of all atomic masses
is returned by ``AtomContainer.mass = AtomContainer.__getattr__('mass')``
if item.startswith('__'):
raise AttributeError
atom_attrs = [getattr(atom, item) for atom in self.atoms]
return u.array(atom_attrs)
except (TypeError, StopIteration):
return atom_attrs
def __setattr__(self, key, vals):
Set an array of atomic properties, e.g., set all atomic masses to 1 with
``atoms.mass = [1.0 for a in atoms]``
assert len(vals) == len(self)
for atom, v in zip(self, vals): setattr(atom, key, v)
def atoms(self):
"""This is a synonym for self so that AtomContainer methods will work here too"""
return self
def __getslice__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return AtomList(super(AtomList, self).__getslice__(*args, **kwargs))