Source code for moldesign.molecules.atoms

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import numpy as np

import moldesign as mdt
from moldesign import data, utils
from moldesign import units as u
from . import toplevel, AtomContainer, AtomList, AtomArray, AtomCoordinate, Bond

[docs]class AtomDrawingMixin(object): """ Functions for creating atomic visualizations. Note: This is a mixin class designed only to be mixed into the :class:`Atom` class. Routines are separated are here for code organization only - they could be included in the main Atom class without changing any functionality """ #@utils.args_from(mdt.molecule.Molecule.draw2d, allexcept=['highlight_atoms']) # import order
[docs] def draw2d(self, **kwargs): """ Draw a 2D viewer with this atom highlighted (Jupyter only). In biomolecules, only draws the atom's residue. Args: width (int): width of viewer in pixels height (int): height of viewer in pixels Returns: mdt.ChemicalGraphViewer: viewer object """ if self.molecule: if self.molecule.is_small_molecule: return self.molecule.draw2d(highlight_atoms=[self], **kwargs) elif self.molecule.is_biomolecule: return self.residue.draw2d(highlight_atoms=[self], **kwargs) else: raise ValueError('No drawing routine specified') else: raise ValueError('No drawing routine specified')
#@utils.args_from(mdt.molecule.Molecule.draw2d, allexcept=['highlight_atoms']) # import order
[docs] def draw3d(self, **kwargs): """ Draw a 3D viewer with this atom highlighted (Jupyter only). Args: width (int): width of viewer in pixels height (int): height of viewer in pixels Returns: mdt.GeometryViewer: viewer object """ return self.molecule.draw3d(highlight_atoms=[self], **kwargs)
[docs] def draw(self, width=300, height=300): """ Draw a 2D and 3D viewer with this atom highlighted (notebook only) Args: width (int): width of viewer in pixels height (int): height of viewer in pixels Returns: ipy.HBox: viewer object """ import ipywidgets as ipy viz2d = self.draw2d(width=width, height=height, display=False) viz3d = self.draw3d(width=width, height=height, display=False) return ipy.HBox([viz2d, viz3d])
[docs]class AtomGeometryMixin(object): """ Functions measuring distances between atoms and other things. Note: This is a mixin class designed only to be mixed into the :class:`Atom` class. Routines are separated are here for code organization only - they could be included in the main Atom class without changing any functionality """ @utils.args_from(AtomContainer.distance) def distance(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._container.distance(*args, **kwargs) @utils.args_from(AtomContainer.atoms_within) def atoms_within(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._container.atoms_within(*args, **kwargs) @utils.args_from(AtomContainer.calc_distance_array) def calc_distances(self, *args, **kwargs): array = self._container.calc_distance_array(*args, **kwargs) return array[0] @property def _container(self): """ AtomContainer: a container with just this atom in it. This is a convenience method for accessing to all of the :class:`AtomContainer`'s useful methods for dealing with geometry """ return AtomList([self])
[docs]class AtomPropertyMixin(object): """ Functions accessing computed atomic properties. Note: This is a mixin class designed only to be mixed into the :class:`Atom` class. Routines are separated are here for code organization only - they could be included in the main Atom class without changing any functionality """ @property def ff(self): """ moldesign.utils.DotDict: This atom's force field parameters, if available (``None`` otherwise) """ try: ff = self.molecule.energy_model.mdtforcefield except AttributeError: return None if ff is None: return None return utils.DotDict(partialcharge=ff.partial_charges[self], lj=ff.lennard_jones[self]) @property def basis_functions(self): """ List[mdt.orbitals.AtomicBasisFunction]: This atom's basis functions, if available (``None`` otherwise) """ if self.molecule is None: return None try: wfn = self.molecule.wfn except mdt.exceptions.NotCalculatedError: return None return wfn.aobasis.on_atom.get(self, []) @property def properties(self): """ moldesign.utils.DotDict: Returns any calculated properties for this atom """ props = utils.DotDict() for name, p in if hasattr(p, 'type') and p.type == 'atomic': props[name] = p[self] return props
[docs]class AtomReprMixin(object): """ Functions for printing out various strings related to the atom. Note: This is a mixin class designed only to be mixed into the :class:`Atom` class. Routines are separated are here for code organization only - they could be included in the main Atom class without changing any functionality """ def __str__(self): desc = '%s %s (elem %s)' % (self.__class__.__name__,, self.elem) molstring = '' if self.molecule: molstring = ', index %d' % self.index if self.molecule.is_biomolecule: molstring += ' (res %s chain %s)' % (, return '%s%s' % (desc, molstring) def __repr__(self): # TODO: rename parent to "molecule" try: if self.molecule: return '<%s in molecule %s>' % (self, self.molecule) else: return '<%s>' % self except: return '<%s at %s (exception in __repr__)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self))
[docs] def markdown_summary(self): """Return a markdown-formatted string describing this atom Returns: str: markdown-formatted string """ if self.molecule is None: lines = ["<h3>Atom %s</h3>" %] else: lines = ["<h3>Atom %s (index %d)</h3>" % (, self.index)] lines.append('**Atomic number**: %d' % self.atnum) lines.append("**Mass**: %s" % self.mass) lines.append('**Formal charge**: %s' % self.formal_charge) if self.molecule is not None: if self.molecule.is_biomolecule: lines.append("\n\n**Residue**: %s (index %d)" % (, self.residue.index)) lines.append("**Chain**: %s" % lines.append("**Molecule**: %s" % for ibond, (nbr, order) in enumerate(self.bond_graph.iteritems()): lines.append('**Bond %d** (order = %d): %s (index %s) in %s' % ( ibond + 1, order,, nbr.index, if self.basis_functions: lines.append('**Basis functions:**<br>' + '<br>'.join(map(str,self.basis_functions))) if self.ff: lines.append('**Forcefield partial charge**: %s' % self.ff.partialcharge) # TODO: deal with other LJ types, e.g., AB? lines.append(u'**Forcefield LJ params**: ' u'\u03C3=%s, \u03B5=%s' % ( self.ff.lj.sigma.defunits(), self.ff.lj.epsilon.defunits())) # position and momentum table = utils.MarkdownTable('', 'x', 'y', 'z') table.add_line(['**position /** {}'.format(u.default.length)] + ['%12.3f' % x.defunits_value() for x in self.position]) table.add_line(['**momentum /** {}'.format(u.default.momentum)] + ['%12.3e' % m.defunits_value() for m in self.momentum]) try: self.force except: pass else: table.add_line(['**force /** {.units}'.format(self.force.defunits())] + ['%12.3e' % m.defunits_value() for m in self.force]) lines.append('\n\n' + table.markdown() + '\n\n') # All other assigned properties return '<br>'.join(lines)
def _repr_markdown_(self): return self.markdown_summary()
[docs]class Atom(AtomDrawingMixin, AtomGeometryMixin, AtomPropertyMixin, AtomReprMixin): """ A data structure representing an atom. ``Atom`` objects store information about individual atoms within a larger molecular system, providing access to atom-specific geometric, biomolecular, topological and property information. Each :class:`Molecule<moldesign.Molecule>` is composed of a list of atoms. Atoms can be instantiated directly, but they will generally be created automatically as part of molecules. Args: name (str): The atom's name (if not passed, set to the element name + the atom's index) atnum (int): Atomic number (if not passed, determined from element if possible) mass (units.Scalar[mass]): The atomic mass (if not passed, set to the most abundant isotopic mass) chain (moldesign.Chain): biomolecular chain that this atom belongs to residue (moldesign.Residue): biomolecular residue that this atom belongs to pdbname (str): name from PDB entry, if applicable pdbindex (int): atom serial number in the PDB entry, if applicable element (str): Elemental symbol (if not passed, determined from atnum if possible) **Atom instance attributes:** Attributes: name (str): A descriptive name for this atom element (str): IUPAC elemental symbol ('C', 'H', 'Cl', etc.) index (int): the atom's current index in the molecule (``self is self.parent.atoms[ self.index]``) atnum (int): atomic number (synonyms: atomic_num) mass (u.Scalar[mass]): the atom's mass position (units.Vector[length]): atomic position vector. Once an atom is part of a molecule, this quantity will refer to ``self.molecule.positions[self.index]``. momentum (units.Vector[momentum]): atomic momentum vector. Once an atom is part of a molecule, this quantity will refer to ``self.molecule.momenta[self.index]``. x,y,z (u.Scalar[length]): x, y, and z components of ``atom.position`` vx, vy, vz (u.Scalar[length/time]): x, y, of ``atom.velocity`` px, py, pz (u.Scalar[momentum]): x, y, and z of ``atom.momentum`` fx, fy, fz (u.Scalar[force]): x, y, and z ``atom.force`` residue (moldesign.Residue): biomolecular residue that this atom belongs to chain (moldesign.Chain): biomolecular chain that this atom belongs to parent (moldesign.Molecule): molecule that this atom belongs to index (int): index in the parent molecule: ``atom is atom.parent.atoms[index]`` **Atom methods and properties** See also methods offered by the mixin superclasses: - :class:`AtomDrawingMixin` - :class:`AtomGeometryMixin` - :class:`AtomPropertyMixin` - :class:`AtomReprMixin` """ x, y, z = (AtomCoordinate('position', i) for i in xrange(3)) vx, vy, vz = (AtomCoordinate('velocity', i) for i in xrange(3)) px, py, pz = (AtomCoordinate('momentum', i) for i in xrange(3)) fx, fy, fz = (AtomCoordinate('force', i) for i in xrange(3)) position = AtomArray('_position', 'positions') momentum = AtomArray('_momentum', 'momenta') atomic_number = utils.Synonym('atnum') ################################################################# # Methods for BUILDING the atom and indexing it in a molecule def __init__(self, name=None, atnum=None, mass=None, chain=None, residue=None, formal_charge=None, pdbname=None, pdbindex=None, element=None): # Allow user to instantiate an atom as Atom(6) or Atom('C') if atnum is None and element is None: if isinstance(name, int): atnum = name name = None else: element = name if element: self.atnum = data.ATOMIC_NUMBERS[element] else: self.atnum = atnum = utils.if_not_none(name, self.elem) self.pdbname = utils.if_not_none(pdbname, self.pdbindex = pdbindex if mass is None: self.mass = data.ATOMIC_MASSES[self.atnum] else: self.mass = mass self.formal_charge = utils.if_not_none(formal_charge, 0.0 * u.q_e) self.residue = residue self.chain = chain self.molecule = None self.index = None self._position = np.zeros(3) * u.default.length self._momentum = np.zeros(3) * (u.default.length* u.default.mass/u.default.time) self._bond_graph = {}
[docs] def to_json(self, parent=None): """Designed to be called by the MdtJsonEncoder""" js = mdt.chemjson.jsonify(self, ('name index atnum position ' 'mass momentum').split()) js['chain'] = self.chain.index js['residue'] = self.residue.index return js
@utils.args_from(AtomContainer.copy) def copy(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Copy an atom (delegate to AtomContainer) """ return self._container.copy(*args, **kwargs)[0] def __getstate__(self): """Helper for pickling""" state = self.__dict__.copy() if self.molecule is not None: # then these don't belong to the atom anymore state['_bond_graph'] = None state['_position'] = self.position state['_momentum'] = self.momentum return state def _set_molecule(self, molecule): """ Permanently make this atom part of a molecule (private) Args: parent (moldesign.Molecule): the molecule that this atom will become a part of """ if self.molecule and (molecule is not self.molecule): raise ValueError('Atom is already part of a molecule') self.molecule = molecule def _index_into_molecule(self, array_name, moleculearray, index): """ Link the atom's positions and momenta to the parent molecule (private) Args: array_name (str): the private name of the array (assumes private name is '_'+array_name) moleculearray (u.Array): the molecule's master array index: the atom's index in the molecule Note: This will be called by the molecule's init method """ oldarray = getattr(self, array_name) moleculearray[index, :] = oldarray setattr(self, '_' + array_name, None) # remove the internally stored version
[docs] def bond_to(self, other, order): """ Create or modify a bond with another atom Args: other (Atom): atom to bond to order (int): bond order Returns: moldesign.molecules.bonds.Bond: bond object """ if self.molecule is other.molecule: self.bond_graph[other] = other.bond_graph[self] = order else: # allow unassigned atoms to be bonded to anything for building purposes self.bond_graph[other] = order return Bond(self, other, order)
@property def bond_graph(self): """ Mapping[Atom, int]: dictionary of this atoms bonded neighbors, of the form ``{bonded_atom1, bond_order1, ...}`` """ if self.molecule is None: return self._bond_graph else: self._bond_graph = None try: return self.molecule.bond_graph[self] except KeyError: self.molecule.bond_graph[self] = {} return self.molecule.bond_graph[self] @bond_graph.setter def bond_graph(self, value): if self.molecule is None: self._bond_graph = value else: self._bond_graph = None self.molecule.bond_graph[self] = value @property def bonds(self): """ List[Bond]: list of all bonds this atom is involved in """ return [Bond(self, nbr, order) for nbr, order in self.bond_graph.iteritems()] @property def heavy_bonds(self): """ List[Bond]: list of all heavy atom bonds (where BOTH atoms are not hydrogen) Note: this returns an empty list if called on a hydrogen atom """ if self.atnum == 1: return [] else: return [Bond(self, nbr, order) for nbr, order in self.bond_graph.iteritems() if nbr.atnum > 1] @property def force(self): """ (units.Vector[force]): atomic force vector. This quantity must be calculated - it is equivalent to ``self.molecule.forces[self.index]`` Raises: moldesign.NotCalculatedError: if molecular forces have not been calculated """ f = self.molecule.forces return f[self.index] @property def velocity(self): """ u.Vector[length/time, 3]: velocity of this atom; equivalent to ``self.momentum/self.mass`` """ return (self.momentum / self.mass).defunits() @velocity.setter def velocity(self, value): self.momentum = value * self.mass @property def num_bonds(self): """ int: the number of other atoms this atom is bonded to """ return len(self.bond_graph) nbonds = num_bonds @property def valence(self): """ int: the sum of this atom's bond orders """ return sum(v for v in self.bond_graph.itervalues()) @property def symbol(self): """ str: elemental symbol """ return data.ELEMENTS.get(self.atnum, '?') elem = element = symbol