Source code for moldesign.molecules.molecule

# Copyright 2016 Autodesk Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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import numpy as np

import moldesign as mdt
from moldesign import helpers, utils
from moldesign.exceptions import NotCalculatedError
from moldesign import units as u
from moldesign.compute import DummyJob
from moldesign.min.base import MinimizerBase

from . import toplevel, Residue, Chain, Instance, AtomContainer, Bond
from .coord_arrays import *

[docs]class MolecularProperties(utils.DotDict): """ Stores property values for a molecule. These objects will be generally created and updated by EnergyModels, not by users. """ def __init__(self, mol, **properties): """Initialization: ``properties`` MUST include positions. Args: mol (Molecule): molecule that these properties are associated with **properties (dict): values of molecular properties (MUST include positions as a key) """ # ADD_FEATURE: always return stored properties in the default unit systems super(MolecularProperties, self).__init__(positions=mol.positions.copy(), **properties)
[docs] def geometry_matches(self, mol): """Returns: bool: True if the molecule's ``position`` is the same as these properties' ``position`` """ return np.array_equal(self.positions, mol.positions)
[docs]class MolConstraintMixin(object): """ Functions for applying and managing geometrical constraints. Note: This is a mixin class designed only to be mixed into the :class:`Molecule` class. Routines are separated are here for code organization only - they could be included in the main Molecule class without changing any functionality """
[docs] def clear_constraints(self): """ Clear all geometry constraints from the molecule. Note: This does NOT clear integrator options - such as "constrain H bonds" """ self.constraints.clear() self._reset_methods()
[docs] def constrain_atom(self, atom, pos=None): """ Constrain the position of an atom Args: atom (moldesign.Atom): The atom to constrain pos (moldesign.units.MdtQuantity): position to fix this atom at (default: atom.position) [length] Returns: moldesign.geometry.FixedPosition: constraint object """ from moldesign import geom self.constraints.append(geom.FixedPosition(atom, value=pos)) self._reset_methods() return self.constraints[-1]
[docs] def constrain_distance(self, atom1, atom2, dist=None): """ Constrain the distance between two atoms Args: atom1 (moldesign.Atom) atom2 (moldesign.Atom) dist ([length]): distance value (default: current distance) Returns: moldesign.geometry.DistanceConstraint: constraint object """ from moldesign import geom self.constraints.append( geom.constraints.DistanceConstraint(atom1, atom2, value=dist)) self._reset_methods() return self.constraints[-1]
[docs] def constrain_angle(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, angle=None): """ Constrain the bond angle atom1-atom2-atom3 Args: atom1 (moldesign.Atom) atom2 (moldesign.Atom) atom3 (moldesign.Atom) angle ([angle]): angle value (default: current angle) Returns: moldesign.geometry.AngleConstraint: constraint object """ from moldesign import geom self.constraints.append( geom.constraints.AngleConstraint(atom1, atom2, atom3, value=angle)) self._reset_methods() return self.constraints[-1]
[docs] def constrain_dihedral(self, atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, angle=None): """ Constrain the bond angle atom1-atom2-atom3 Args: atom1 (moldesign.Atom) atom2 (moldesign.Atom) atom3 (moldesign.Atom) atom4 (moldesign.Atom) angle ([angle]): angle value (default: current angle) Returns: moldesign.geom.AngleConstraint: constraint object """ from moldesign import geom self.constraints.append( geom.constraints.DihedralConstraint(atom1, atom2, atom3, atom4, value=angle)) self._reset_methods() return self.constraints[-1]
[docs]class MolPropertyMixin(object): """ Functions for calculating and accessing molecular properties. Note: This is a mixin class designed only to be mixed into the :class:`Molecule` class. Routines are separated are here for code organization only - they could be included in the main Molecule class without changing any functionality """ @property def mass(self): """ u.Scalar[mass]: the molecule's mass """ return sum(self.atoms.mass) @property def kinetic_energy(self): r""" u.Scalar[energy]: Classical kinetic energy :math:`\sum_{\text{atoms}} \frac{p^2}{2m}` """ return helpers.kinetic_energy(self.momenta, self.dim_masses) @property def kinetic_temperature(self): r""" [temperature]: temperature calculated using the equipartition theorem, :math:`\frac{2 E_{\text{kin}}}{k_b f}`, where :math:`E_{\text{kin}}` is the kinetic energy and :math:`f` is the number of degrees of freedom (see :meth:`dynamic_dof <Molecule.dynamic_dof>`) """ return helpers.kinetic_temperature(self.kinetic_energy, self.dynamic_dof) @property def dynamic_dof(self): """ int: Count the number of spatial degrees of freedom of the system, taking into account any constraints Note: If there are other DOFs not taken into account here, this quantity can be set explicitly """ if self._dof is not None: return self._dof df = self.ndims if self.integrator is not None: if self.integrator.params.get('remove_translation', False): df -= 3 if self.integrator.params.get('remove_rotation', False): if self.num_atoms > 2: df -= 2 const_hbonds = const_water = False if self.integrator is not None: const_hbonds = self.integrator.params.get('constrain_hbonds', False) const_water = self.integrator.params.get('constrain_water', False) if const_hbonds: # TODO: deal with molecular hydrogen for atom in self.atoms: if atom.atnum == 1: df -= 1 if const_water: for residue in self.residues: if residue.type == 'water': # constrained water has 6 degrees of freedom if const_hbonds: # two are already accounted for df -= 1 else: df -= 3 for constraint in self.constraints: # TODO: deal with more double-counting cases if const_hbonds: if isinstance(constraint, mdt.geom.DistanceConstraint): # don't double-count constrained hbonds if constraint.a1.atnum == 1 or constraint.a2.atnum == 1: continue df -= constraint.dof return df @dynamic_dof.setter def dynamic_dof(self, val): self._dof = val @property def num_electrons(self): """int: The number of electrons in the system, based on the atomic numbers and self.charge""" return sum(self.atoms.atnum) - self.charge.value_in(u.q_e) @property def homo(self): """int: The array index (0-based) of the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO). Note: This assumes a closed shell ground state! """ return self.num_electrons/2-1 @property def lumo(self): """int: The array index (0-based) of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). Note: This assumes a closed shell ground state! """ return self.num_electrons/2 @property def wfn(self): """ moldesign.orbitals.ElectronicWfn: return the molecule's current electronic state, if calculated. Raises: NotCalculatedError: If the electronic state has not yet been calculated at this geometry """ return self.get_property('wfn')
[docs] def calc_property(self, name, **kwargs): """ Calculate the given property if necessary and return it Args: name (str): name of the property (e.g. 'potential_energy', 'forces', etc.) Returns: object: the requested property """ result = self.calculate(requests=[name], **kwargs) return result[name]
[docs] def get_property(self, name): """ Return the given property if already calculated; raise NotCalculatedError otherwise Args: name (str): name of the property (e.g. 'potential_energy', 'forces', etc.) Raises: NotCalculatedError: If the molecular property has not yet been calculated at this geometry Returns: object: the requested property """ if name in and np.array_equal(, self.positions): return[name] else: raise NotCalculatedError( ("The '{0}' property hasn't been calculated yet. " "Calculate it with the molecule.calculate_{0}() method").format(name))
[docs] def calculate_forces(self, **kwargs): """ Calculate forces and return them Returns: units.Vector[force] """ return self.calc_property('forces')
[docs] def calculate_potential_energy(self, **kwargs): """ Calculate potential energy and return it Returns: units.Scalar[energy]: potential energy at this position """ return self.calc_property('potential_energy')
[docs] def calculate_dipole(self, **kwargs): """ Calculate forces and return them Returns: units.Vector[length*charge]: dipole moment at this position (len=3) """ return self.calc_property('dipole')
[docs] def calculate_wfn(self, **kwargs): """ Calculate forces and return them Returns: moldesign.orbitals.ElectronicWfn: electronic wavefunction object """ return self.calc_property('wfn')
[docs] def update_properties(self, properties): """ This is intended mainly as a callback for long-running property calculations. When they are finished, they can call this method to update the molecule's properties. Args: properties (dict): properties-like object. MUST contain a 'positions' attribute. """ if is None: = properties else: assert (self.positions == properties.positions).all(), \ 'The molecular geometry does not correspond to these properties'
@property def potential_energy(self): """ units.Scalar[energy]: return the molecule's current potential energy, if calculated. Raises: NotCalculatedError: If the potential energy has not yet been calculated at this geometry """ return self.get_property('potential_energy') @property def forces(self): """ units.Vector[force]: return the current force on the molecule, if calculated. Raises: NotCalculatedError: If the forces have not yet been calculated at this geometry """ return self.get_property('forces') @property def dipole(self): """ units.Vector[length*charge]: return the molecule's dipole moment, if calculated (len=3). Raises: NotCalculatedError: If the dipole moment has not yet been calculated at this geometry """ return self.get_property('dipole') @property def properties(self): """MolecularProperties: Molecular properties calculated at this geometry """ # ADD_FEATURE: some sort of persistent caching so that they aren't lost if not self._properties.geometry_matches(self): self._properties = MolecularProperties(self) return self._properties @properties.setter def properties(self, val): """ Sanity checks - make sure that these properties correspond to the correct geoemtry. """ assert val.geometry_matches(self), \ "Can't set properties - they're for a different molecular geometry" self._properties = val # synonyms for backwards compatibility calc_wfn = calculate_wfn calc_dipole = calculate_dipole calc_potential_energy = calculate_potential_energy calc_forces = calculate_forces
[docs]class MolDrawingMixin(object): """ Methods for visualizing molecular structure. See Also: :class:`moldesign.molecules.atomcollections.AtomContainer` Note: This is a mixin class designed only to be mixed into the :class:`Molecule` class. Routines are separated are here for code organization only - they could be included in the main Molecule class without changing any functionality """
[docs] def draw_orbitals(self, **kwargs): """ Visualize any calculated molecular orbitals (Jupyter only). Returns: mdt.orbitals.OrbitalViewer """ from moldesign.widgets.orbitals import OrbitalViewer if 'wfn' not in self.calculate_wfn() return OrbitalViewer(self, **kwargs)
[docs]class MolReprMixin(object): """ Methods for creating text-based representations of the molecule Note: This is a mixin class designed only to be mixed into the :class:`Molecule` class. Routines are separated are here for code organization only - they could be included in the main Molecule class without changing any functionality """ def __repr__(self): try: return '<%s (%s), %d atoms>' % (, self.__class__.__name__, len(self.atoms)) except: return '<molecule (error in __repr__) at %s>' % id(self) def __str__(self): return 'Molecule: %s' %
[docs] def markdown_summary(self): """A markdown description of this molecule. Returns: str: Markdown""" # TODO: remove leading underscores for descriptor-protected attributes lines = ['### Molecule: "%s" (%d atoms)' % (, self.natoms), '**Mass**: {:.2f}'.format(self.mass), '**Formula**: %s' % self.get_stoichiometry(html=True), '**Charge**: %s'%self.charge] if self.energy_model: lines.append('**Potential model**: %s' % str(self.energy_model)) if self.integrator: lines.append('**Integrator**: %s' % str(self.integrator)) if self.is_biomolecule: lines.extend(self.biomol_summary_markdown()) return '\n\n'.join(lines)
def _repr_markdown_(self): return self.markdown_summary()
[docs] def biomol_summary_markdown(self): """A markdown description of biomolecular structure. Returns: str: Markdown string""" lines = [] if len(self.residues) > 1: table = self.get_residue_table() lines.append('### Residues') # extra '|' here may be workaround for a bug in ipy.markdown? lines.append(table.markdown(replace={0: ' '}) + '|') lines.append('### Biopolymer chains') seqs = [] for chain in self.chains: seq = chain.sequence if not seq.strip(): # don't write anything if there's no sequence continue # deal with extra-long sequences seqstring = [] for i in xrange(0, len(seq), 80): seqstring.append(seq[i:i + 80]) seqstring = '\n'.join(seqstring) seqs.append('**%s**: `%s`' % (, seqstring)) lines.append('<br>'.join(seqs)) return lines
[docs] def get_residue_table(self): """Creates a data table summarizing this molecule's primary structure. Returns: moldesign.utils.MarkdownTable""" table = utils.MarkdownTable(*(['chain'] + 'protein dna rna unknown water solvent'.split())) for chain in self.chains: counts = {} unk = [] for residue in chain.residues: cat = residue.type if cat == 'unknown': unk.append( counts[cat] = counts.get(cat, 0) + 1 counts['chain'] = '<pre><b>%s</b></pre>' % if 0 < len(unk) <= 4: counts['unknown'] = ','.join(unk) table.add_line(counts) return table
[docs] def get_stoichiometry(self, html=False): """ Return this molecule's stoichiometry Returns: str """ counts = {} for symbol in self.atoms.symbol: counts[symbol] = counts.get(symbol, 0) + 1 my_elements = sorted(counts.keys()) if html: template = '%s<sub>%d</sub>' else: template = '%s%d' return ''.join([template % (k, counts[k]) for k in my_elements])
[docs]class MolTopologyMixin(object): """ Functions for building and keeping track of bond topology and biochemical structure. Note: This is a mixin class designed only to be mixed into the :class:`Molecule` class. Routines are separated are here for code organization only - they could be included in the main Atom class without changing any functionality """
[docs] def copy(self, name=None): """ Create a copy of the molecule and all of its substructures Returns: Molecule: copied molecule Note: Assigned energy models and integrators are not currently copied, although properties are """ if name is None: name = + ' copy' newmol = Molecule(self.atoms, name=name, pdbname=self.pdbname, charge=self.charge) = return newmol
[docs] def to_json(self): js = mdt.chemjson.jsonify(self, ('time residues atoms name' 'properties energy_model integrator').split()) js['chains'] = list(self.chains) js['bonds'] = list(self.bonds) return js
[docs] def assert_atom(self, atom): """If passed an integer, just return self.atoms[atom]. Otherwise, assert that the atom belongs to this molecule""" if type(atom) is int: atom = self.mol.atoms[atom] else: assert atom.molecule is self, "Atom %s does not belong to %s" % (atom, self) return atom
[docs] def rebuild(self): self.chains = Instance(molecule=self) self.residues = [] self._rebuild_topology()
def _rebuild_topology(self, bond_graph=None): """ Build the molecule's bond graph based on its atoms' bonds Args: bond_graph (dict): graph to build the bonds from """ if bond_graph is None: self.bond_graph = self._build_bonds(self.atoms) else: self.bond_graph = bond_graph self.is_biomolecule = False self.ndims = 3 * self.num_atoms self._positions = np.zeros((self.num_atoms, 3)) * u.default.length self._momenta = np.zeros((self.num_atoms, 3)) * u.default.momentum self.masses = np.zeros(self.num_atoms) * u.default.mass self.dim_masses = u.broadcast_to(self.masses, (3, self.num_atoms)).T # TODO: pickling self._assign_atom_indices() self._assign_residue_indices() self._dof = None @staticmethod def _build_bonds(atoms): """ Build a bond graph describing bonds between this list of atoms Args: atoms (List[moldesign.atoms.Atom]) """ # TODO: check atom parents bonds = {} # First pass - create initial bonds for atom in atoms: assert atom not in bonds, 'Atom appears twice in this list' if hasattr(atom, 'bonds') and atom.bond_graph is not None: bonds[atom] = atom.bond_graph else: bonds[atom] = {} # Now make sure both atoms have a record of their bonds for atom in atoms: for nbr in bonds[atom]: if atom in bonds[nbr]: assert bonds[nbr][atom] == bonds[atom][nbr] else: bonds[nbr][atom] = bonds[atom][nbr] return bonds def _assign_atom_indices(self): """ Create geometry-level information based on constituent atoms, and mark the atoms as the property of this molecule """ idim = 0 for idx, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): atom._set_molecule(self) atom.index = idx idim += 3 self.masses[idx] = atom.mass # Here, we index the atom arrays directly into the molecule atom._index_into_molecule('_position', self.positions, idx) atom._index_into_molecule('_momentum', self.momenta, idx) def _assign_residue_indices(self): """ Set up the chain/residue/atom hierarchy """ # TODO: consistency checks if self._defchain is None: self._defchain = Chain(name=None, index=None, molecule=None) if self._defres is None: self._defres = Residue(name=None, index=None, pdbindex=None, pdbname=None, chain=self._defchain, molecule=None) self._defchain.add(self._defres) default_residue = self._defres default_chain = self._defchain num_biores = 0 for atom in self.atoms: # if atom has no chain/residue, assign defaults if atom.residue is None: atom.residue = default_residue atom.chain = default_chain atom.residue.add(atom) # assign the chain to this molecule if necessary if atom.chain.molecule is None: atom.chain.molecule = self atom.chain.index = len(self.chains) assert not in self.chains self.chains.add(atom.chain) else: assert atom.chain.molecule is self # assign the residue to this molecule if atom.residue.molecule is None: atom.residue.molecule = self atom.residue.index = len(self.residues) self.residues.append(atom.residue) if atom.residue.type in ('dna', 'rna', 'protein'): num_biores += 1 else: assert atom.chain.molecule is self self.is_biomolecule = (num_biores >= 2) self.nchains = self.n_chains = self.num_chains = len(self.chains) self.nresidues = self.n_residues = self.num_residues = len(self.residues)
[docs]class MolSimulationMixin(object): """ Functions calculating energies, running dynamics, and minimizing geometry. Note: This is a mixin class designed only to be mixed into the :class:`Molecule` class. Routines are separated are here for code organization only - they could be included in the main Atom class without changing any functionality """
[docs] def run(self, run_for): """ Starts the integrator's default integration Args: run_for (int or [time]): number of steps or amount of time to run for Returns: moldesign.trajectory.Trajectory """ if self.integrator is None: raise ValueError('Cannot simulate; no integrator set for %s' % self) init_time = self.time traj = print 'Done - integrated "%s" from %s to %s' % (self, init_time, self.time) return traj
[docs] def calculate(self, requests=None, wait=True, use_cache=True): """ Runs a potential energy calculation on the current geometry, returning the requested quantities. If `requests` is not passed, the properties specified in the energy_models DEFAULT_PROPERTIES will be calculated. Args: requests (List[str]): list of quantities for the model to calculate, e.g. ['dipole', 'forces'] wait (bool): if True, wait for the calculation to complete before returning. \ If false, return a job object - this will not update the molecule's properties! use_cache (bool): Return cached results if possible Returns: MolecularProperties """ if self.energy_model is None: raise ValueError('Cannot calculate properties; no energy model set for %s' % self) if requests is None: requests = [] # Figure out what needs to be calculated, # and either launch the job or set the result to_calculate = set(requests + self.energy_model.DEFAULT_PROPERTIES) if use_cache: to_calculate = to_calculate.difference( if len(to_calculate) == 0: job = else: job = self.energy_model.calculate(to_calculate) if wait: # We'll wait for the job to complete, then # returns the molecule's calculated properties if hasattr(job, 'wait'): job.wait() properties = job.result else: properties = job return else: # We're not waiting for the job to complete - return a job object if hasattr(job, 'wait'): return job else: return DummyJob(job)
[docs] def set_energy_model(self, model, **params): """ Associate an energy model with this molecule Args: model (moldesign.methods.EnergyModelBase): The energy model to associate with this molecule **params (dict): a dictionary of parameters for the model Note: For convenience, ``model`` can be an instance, a class, or a constructor (with call signature ``model(**params) -> model instance)`` """ # If passed the class or constructor, create an instance of the energy model if not issubclass(type(model), mdt.models.base.EnergyModelBase) and callable(model): model = model() self.energy_model = model = MolecularProperties(self) model.mol = self model.params.update(params) if 'charge' in model.params: if model.params.charge is None: model.params.charge = self.charge elif model.params.charge != self.charge: print "Warning: molecular charge (%d) does not match energy model's charge (%d)" % ( self.charge, model.params.charge) model._prepped = False
[docs] def set_integrator(self, integrator, **params): """ Associate an integrator with this molecule Args: integrator (moldesign.integrators.IntegratorBase): The integrator to associate with this molecule **params (dict): a dictionary of parameters for the integrator Note: For convenience, ``integrator`` can be an instance, a class, or a constructor (with call signature ``integrator(**params) -> integrator instance)`` """ # If passed the class or constructor, create an instance of the integrator if (not issubclass(type(integrator), mdt.integrators.base.IntegratorBase) and callable(integrator)): integrator = integrator() self.integrator = integrator integrator.mol = self integrator.params.update(params) integrator._prepped = False
@utils.args_from(MinimizerBase, allexcept=['self'], inject_kwargs={'assert_converged': False})
[docs] def minimize(self, assert_converged=False, **kwargs): """Perform an energy minimization (aka geometry optimization or relaxation). If ``force_tolerance`` is not specified, the program defaults are used. If specified, the largest force component must be less than force_tolerance and the RMSD must be less than 1/3 of it. (based on GAMESS OPTTOL keyword) Args: assert_converged (bool): Raise an exception if the minimization does not converged. Returns: moldesign.trajectory.Trajectory """ if self.energy_model is None: raise ValueError('Cannot minimize molecule; no energy model set for %s' % self) try: trajectory = self.energy_model.minimize(**kwargs) except NotImplementedError: trajectory = mdt.minimize(self, **kwargs) print 'Reduced energy from %s to %s' % (trajectory.potential_energy[0], trajectory.potential_energy[-1]) if assert_converged: raise NotImplementedError() return trajectory
def _reset_methods(self): """ Called whenever a property is changed that the energy model and/or integrator need to know about """ # TODO: what should this do with the property object? # TODO: handle duplicate constraints (this happens a lot, and is bad) if self.energy_model is not None: self.energy_model._prepped = False if self.integrator is not None: self.integrator._prepped = False
[docs] def configure_methods(self): """ Interactively configure this molecule's simulation methods (notebooks only) Returns: ipywidgets.Box: configuration widget """ import ipywidgets as ipy children = [] if self.energy_model: children.append(self.energy_model.configure()) if self.integrator: children.append(self.integrator.configure()) return ipy.VBox(children)
[docs]class Molecule(AtomContainer, MolConstraintMixin, MolPropertyMixin, MolDrawingMixin, MolReprMixin, MolTopologyMixin, MolSimulationMixin): """ ``Molecule`` objects store a molecular system, including atoms, 3D coordinates, molecular properties, biomolecular entities, and other model-specific information. Interfaces with simulation models take place through the molecule object. Molecule objects will generally be created by reading files or parsing other input; see, for example: :meth:``, :meth:`moldesign.from_smiles`, :meth:`moldesign.from_pdb`, etc. This constructor is useful, however for copying other molecular structures (see examples below). Args: atomcontainer (AtomContainer or AtomList or List[moldesign.Atom]): atoms that make up this molecule. Note: If the passed atoms don't already belong to a molecule, they will be assigned to this one. If they DO already belong to a molecule, they will be copied, leaving the original molecule untouched. name (str): name of the molecule (automatically generated if not provided) bond_graph (dict): dictionary specifying bonds between the atoms - of the form ``{atom1:{atom2:bond_order, atom3:bond_order}, atom2:...}`` This structure must be symmetric; we require ``bond_graph[atom1][atom2] == bond_graph[atom2][atom1]`` copy_atoms (bool): Create the molecule with *copies* of the passed atoms (they will be copied automatically if they already belong to another molecule) pdbname (str): Name of the PDB file charge (units.Scalar[charge]): molecule's formal charge electronic_state_index (int): index of the molecule's electronic state Examples: Use the ``Molecule`` class to create copies of other molecules and substructures thereof: >>> benzene = mdt.from_name('benzene') >>> benzene_copy = mdt.Molecule(benzene, name='benzene copy') >>> protein = mdt.from_pdb('3AID') >>> carbon_copies = mdt.Molecule([atom for atom in protein.atoms if atom.atnum==6]) >>> first_residue_copy = mdt.Molecule(protein.residues[0]) **Molecule instance attributes:** Attributes: atoms (AtomList): List of all atoms in this molecule. bond_graph (dict): symmetric dictionary specifying bonds between the atoms: ``bond_graph = {atom1:{atom2:bond_order, atom3:bond_order}, atom2:...}`` ``bond_graph[atom1][atom2] == bond_graph[atom2][atom1]`` residues (List[moldesign.Residue]): flat list of all biomolecular residues in this molecule chains (Dict[moldesign.Chain]): Biomolecular chains - individual chains can be accessed as ``mol.chains[list_index]`` or ``mol.chains[chain_name]`` name (str): A descriptive name for molecule charge (units.Scalar[charge]): molecule's formal charge constraints (List[moldesign.geom.GeometryConstraint]): list of constraints ndims (int): length of the positions, momenta, and forces arrays (usually 3*self.num_atoms) num_atoms (int): number of atoms (synonym: natoms) num_bonds (int): number of bonds (synonym: nbonds) positions (units.Array[length]): Nx3 array of atomic positions momenta (units.Array[momentum]): Nx3 array of atomic momenta masses (units.Vector[mass]): vector of atomic masses dim_masses (units.Array[mass]): Nx3 array of atomic masses (for numerical convenience - allows you to calculate velocity, for instance, as ``velocity = mol.momenta/mol.dim_masses`` time (units.Scalar[time]): current time in dynamics energy_model (moldesign.models.base.EnergyModelBase): Object that calculates molecular properties - driven by `mol.calculate()` integrator (moldesign.integrators.base.IntegratorBase): Object that drives movement of 3D coordinates in time, driven by is_biomolecule (bool): True if this molecule contains at least 2 biochemical residues **Molecule methods and properties** See also methods offered by the mixin superclasses: - :class:`moldesign.molecules.AtomContainer` - :class:`moldesign.molecules.MolPropertyMixin` - :class:`moldesign.molecules.MolDrawingMixin` - :class:`moldesign.molecules.MolSimulationMixin` - :class:`moldesign.molecules.MolTopologyMixin` - :class:`moldesign.molecules.MolConstraintMixin` - :class:`moldesign.molecules.MolReprMixin` """ positions = ProtectedArray('_positions') momenta = ProtectedArray('_momenta') def __init__(self, atomcontainer, name=None, bond_graph=None, copy_atoms=False, pdbname=None, charge=None, electronic_state_index=0): super(Molecule, self).__init__() # copy atoms from another object (i.e., a molecule) oldatoms = helpers.get_all_atoms(atomcontainer) if copy_atoms or (oldatoms[0].molecule is not None): #print 'INFO: Copying atoms into new molecule' atoms = oldatoms.copy() if name is None: # Figure out a reasonable name if oldatoms[0].molecule is not None: name = oldatoms[0] + ' copy' elif hasattr(atomcontainer, 'name') and isinstance(, str): name = utils.if_not_none(name, + ' copy') else: name = 'unnamed' else: atoms = oldatoms self.atoms = atoms self.time = 0.0 * u.default.time = 'uninitialized molecule' self._defres = None self._defchain = None self.pdbname = pdbname self.constraints = utils.ExclusiveList(key=utils.methodcaller('_constraintsig')) self.energy_model = None self.integrator = None self.electronic_state_index = electronic_state_index if charge is not None: self.charge = charge if not hasattr(charge, 'units'): # assume fundamental charge units if not explicitly set self.charge *= u.q_e else: self.charge = sum(atom.formal_charge for atom in self.atoms) # Builds the internal memory structures self.chains = Instance(molecule=self) self.residues = [] self._rebuild_topology(bond_graph=bond_graph) if name is not None: = name elif not self.is_small_molecule: = 'unnamed macromolecule' else: = self.get_stoichiometry() self._properties = MolecularProperties(self) self.ff = utils.DotDict()
[docs] def newbond(self, a1, a2, order): """ Create a new bond Args: a1 (moldesign.Atom): First atom in the bond a2 (moldesign.Atom): Second atom in the bond order (int): order of the bond Returns: moldesign.Bond """ assert a1.molecule == a2.molecule == self return a1.bond_to(a2, order)
@property def velocities(self): """ u.Vector[length/time]: Nx3 array of atomic velocities """ return (self.momenta/self.dim_masses).defunits() @velocities.setter def velocities(self, value): self.momenta = value * self.dim_masses @property def num_bonds(self): """int: number of chemical bonds in this molecule""" return sum(atom.nbonds for atom in self.atoms)/2 nbonds = num_bonds
[docs] def addatom(self, newatom): """ Add a new atom to the molecule Args: newatom (moldesign.Atom): The atom to add (it will be copied if it already belongs to a molecule) """ self.addatoms([newatom])
[docs] def addatoms(self, newatoms): """Add new atoms to this molecule. For now, we really just rebuild the entire molecule in place. Args: newatoms (List[moldesign.Atom])) """ self._reset_methods() for atom in newatoms: assert atom.molecule is None self.atoms.extend(newatoms) # symmetrize bonds between the new atoms and the pre-existing molecule bonds = self._build_bonds(self.atoms) for newatom in newatoms: for nbr in bonds[newatom]: if nbr in self.bond_graph: # i.e., it's part of the original molecule bonds[nbr][newatom] = bonds[newatom][nbr] self._rebuild_topology(bonds)
[docs] def deletebond(self, bond): """ Remove this bond from the molecule's topology Args: Bond: bond to remove """ self.bond_graph[bond.a1].pop(bond.a2) self.bond_graph[bond.a2].pop(bond.a1)
def _force_converged(self, tolerance): """ Return True if the forces on this molecule: 1) Are less than tolerance in every dimension 2) have an RMS of less than 1/3 the tolerance value Args: tolerance (units.Scalar[force]): force tolerance Returns: bool: True if RMSD force is less than this quantity """ forces = self.calc_forces() if forces.max() > tolerance: return False rmsd2 = / self.ndims if rmsd2 > tolerance * tolerance / 3.0: return False return True
[docs] def write(self, filename=None, **kwargs): """ Write this molecule to a string or file. This is a convenience method for :ref:`moldesign.converters.write` Args: filename (str): filename to write (if not passed, write to string) format (str): file format (if filename is not passed, format must be specified) Guessed from file extension if not passed """ # TODO: make it easier to do the right thing, which is write to .pkl.bz2 return mdt.write(self, filename=filename, **kwargs)
@property def is_small_molecule(self): """bool: True if molecule's mass is less than 500 Daltons (not mutually exclusive with :meth:`self.is_biomolecule <Molecule.is_biomolecule>`)""" return self.mass <= 500.0 * u.amu @property def bonds(self): """ Iterator over all bonds in the molecule Yields: moldesign.atoms.Bond: bond object """ for atom in self.bond_graph: for nbr in self.bond_graph[atom]: if atom.index > nbr.index: continue # don't double count yield Bond(atom, nbr)