Source code for moldesign.orbitals.gaussians

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"""Note: this code is currently unused and untested and will be refactored soon"""
import numpy as np

from .orbitals import Orbital, SHELLS, SPHERICALNAMES

[docs]class AbstractFunction(object): """ Abstract base class for basis functions """
[docs] def normalize(self): """ Give this function unit norm by adjusting its coefficient """ self.coeff /= np.sqrt(self.norm)
[docs] def overlap(self, other, normalized=False): r""" Overlap of this function with another: .. math:: \int f_1(\mathbf r) f_2(\mathbf r) d^N \mathbf r Args: other (AbstractFunction): normalized (bool): If True, return the overlap of the two NORMALIZED functions. Returns: Scalar: value of the overlap """ newfn = self * other integral = newfn.integral if normalized: integral /= np.sqrt(self.norm*other.norm) return integral
@property def norm(self): r""" The L2-Norm of this gaussian: .. math:: \int \left| G(\mathbf r) \right|^2 d^N \mathbf r """ return self.overlap(self) def __str__(self): return "%d-D %s with norm %s"%(self.ndims, self.__class__, self.norm)
[docs]class CartesianGaussian(AbstractFunction): r""" Stores an N-dimensional gaussian function of the form: .. math:: G(\mathbf r) = C \times \left( \prod_{i=1}^N{{r_i}^{p_i} } \right) e^{-a |\mathbf r - \mathbf{r}_0|^2} For a three-dimensional gaussian, this is ..math:: G(x,y,z) = C \times x^{p_1} y^{p_2} z^{p_3} e^{-a |\mathbf r - \mathbf{r}_0|^2} where *C* is ``self.coeff``, *a* is ``self.exp``, *r0* is ````, and :math:`p_1, p_2, ...` are given in the array ``self.powers`` References: Levine, Ira N. Quantum Chemistry, 5th ed. Prentice Hall, 2000. 486-94. """ def __init__(self, center, exp, powers, coeff=None): """ Initialization: Args: center (Vector[length]): location of the gaussian's centroid powers (List[int]): cartesian powers in each dimension (see equations in :class:`CartesianGaussian` docs) exp (Scalar[1/length**2]): gaussian width parameter coeff (Scalar): multiplicative coefficient (if None, gaussian will be automatically normalized) Note: The dimensionality of the gaussian is determined by the dimensionality of the centroid location vector and the power vector. So, if scalars are passed for the ``center`` and ``powers``, it's 1-D. If length-3 vectors are passed for ``center`` and ``powers``, it's 3D. """ assert len(powers) == len(center), "Inconsistent dimensionality - number of cartesian " \ "powers must match dimensionality of centroid vector" = center self.exp = exp self.powers = np.array(powers) if coeff is None: self.coeff = 1.0 # dummy value overwritten by self.normalize() self.normalize() else: self.coeff = coeff self._cartesian = (self.powers != 0).any() def __repr__(self): return ("<Gaussian (coeff: {coeff:4.2f}, " "cartesian powers: {powers}, " "exponent: {exp:4.2f}, " "center: {center}>").format(, exp=self.exp, powers=tuple(self.powers), coeff=self.coeff) @property def ndim(self): return len(self.powers) num_dimensions = ndims = ndim @property def angular(self): """ Angular momentum of this function (sum of cartesian powers) """ return self.powers.sum() def __call__(self, coords, _include_cartesian=True): """ Evaluate this function at the given coordinates. Can be called either with a 1D column (e.g., ``[1,2,3]*u.angstrom ``) or an ARRAY of coordinates (``[[0,0,0],[1,1,1]] * u.angstrom``) Args: _include_cartesian (bool): include the contribution from the cartesian components (for computational efficiency, this can sometimes omited now and included later) Example: >>> g = CartesianGaussian([0,0,0]*u.angstrom, exp=1.0/u.angstrom**2, powers=(0,0,0)) >>> g([0,0,0] * u.angstrom) 1.0 >>> g[[0,0,0], [0,0,1], [0.5,0.5,0.5] * u.angstrom] array([ 1.0, 0.36787944, 0.47236655]) Args: coords (Vector[length]): Coordinates or list of coordinates Returns: Scalar: function value(s) at the passed coordinates """ if len(coords.shape) > 1: axis = 1 else: axis = None disp = coords - prd = disp*disp # don't use - allow multiple coords at once r2 = prd.sum(axis=axis) result = self.coeff * np.exp(-self.exp * r2) if self._cartesian and _include_cartesian: result *= (np.product(disp.magnitude**self.powers, axis=axis) * disp.units**self.powers.sum() ) return result def __mul__(self, other): """ Returns product of two gaussian functions, which is also a gaussian Args: other (CartesianGaussian): other gaussian wavepacket Returns: CartesianGaussian: product gaussian """ # convert widths to prefactor form a = self.exp b = other.exp exp = a + b center = (a* + b* powers = self.powers + other.powers return CartesianGaussian(center=center, exp=exp, powers=powers, coeff=self.coeff*other.coeff) @property def integral(self): r"""Integral of this this gaussian over all N-dimensional space. This is implemented only for 0 and positive integer cartesian powers. The integral is 0 if any of the powers are odd. Otherwise, the integral is given by: .. math:: \int G(\mathbf r) d^N \mathbf r & = c \int d^N e^{-a x^2} \mathbf r \prod_{i=1}^N{{r_i}^{p_i} } \\ &= (2a)^{-\sum_i p_i} \left( \frac{\pi}{2 a} \right) ^ {N/2} \prod_{i=1}^N{(p_i-1)!!} where *N* is the dimensionality of the gaussian, :math:`p_i` are the cartesian powers, and _!!_ is the "odd factorial" (:math:`n!!=1\times 3\times 5 \times ... \times n`) References: Dwight, Herbert B. Tables of Integrals and other Mathematical Data, 3rd ed. Macmillan 1957. 201. """ integ = (np.pi/self.exp)**(self.ndim/2.0) for p in self.powers: if p == 0: # no contribution continue elif p % 2 == 1: # integral of odd function is exactly 0 return 0.0 elif p < 0: raise ValueError('Powers must be positive or 0') else: integ *= _ODD_FACTORIAL[p-1]/(2 ** (p+1)) return self.coeff * integ
[docs]def Gaussian(center, exp, coeff=1.0): r""" Constructor for an N-dimensional gaussian function. The function is given by: .. math:: G(\mathbf r) = C e^{-a\left| \mathbf r - \mathbf r_0 \right|^2} where *C* is ``self.coeff``, *a* is ``self.exp``, and :math:`\mathbf r_0` is ````. Note: This is just a special case of a cartesian gaussian where all the powers are 0. """ return CartesianGaussian(center, exp, powers=[0 for x in center], coeff=coeff)
[docs]class SphericalGaussian(AbstractFunction): r""" Stores a 3-dimensional spherical gaussian function: .. math:: G_{nlm}(\mathbf r) = C Y^l_m(\mathbf r - \mathbf r_0) r^n e^{-a\left| \mathbf r - \mathbf r_0 \right|^2} where *C* is ``self.coeff``, *a* is ``self.exp``, and :math:`\mathbf r_0` is ````, *(n,l,m)* are given by ``(self.n, self.l, self.m)``, and :math:`Y^l_m(\mathbf{r})` is a spherical harmonic. Note: self.SPHERE_TO_CART stores expansion coefficients for spherical gaussians in terms of cartesian gaussians. They are taken from the reference below. References: Schlegel and Frisch. Transformation between cartesian and pure spherical harmonic gaussians. Int J Quantum Chem 54, 83-87 (1995). doi:10.1002/qua.560540202 """ def __init__(self, center, exp, n, l, m, coeff=None): = center assert len( == 3 self.exp = exp self.n = n self.l = l self.m = m if coeff is None: self.coeff = 1.0 self.normalize() else: self.coeff = coeff def __repr__(self): return ("<Gaussian (coeff: {coeff:4.2f}, " "exponent: {exp:4.2f}, " "(n,l,m) = {qnums}").format(, exp=self.exp, powers=tuple(self.powers), coeff=self.coeff, qnums=(self.n, self.l, self.m)) def __call__(self, coords, _include_spherical=True): """ Evaluate this function at the given coordinates. Can be called either with a 1D column (e.g., ``[1,2,3]*u.angstrom ``) or an ARRAY of coordinates (``[[0,0,0],[1,1,1]] * u.angstrom``) Args: _include_spherical (bool): include the contribution from the non-exponential parts (for computational efficiency, this can sometimes omitted now and included later) Args: coords (Vector[length]): 3D Coordinates or list of 3D coordinates Returns: Scalar: function value(s) at the passed coordinates """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class AtomicBasisFunction(Orbital): def __init__(self, atom, n=None, l=None, m=None, cart=None, primitives=None): """ Initialization: Args: atom (moldesign.Atom): The atom this basis function belongs to index (int): the index of this basis function (it is stored as ``wfn.basis[self.index]``) n (int): principal quantum number (``n>=1``) l (int): total angular momentum quantum number (``l<=n-1``) m (int): z-angular momentum quantum number (optional - for spherical sets only; ``|m|<=l``) cart (str): cartesian component (optional; for cartesian sets only) primitives (List[PrimitiveBase]): List of primitives, if available """ self.atom = atom self.n = n self.l = l self.m = m self.primitives = primitives if cart is not None: assert self.m is None, 'Both cartesian and spherical components passed!' assert len(cart) == self.l, 'Angular momentum does not match specified component %s' % cart for e in cart: assert e in 'xyz' self.cart = ''.join(sorted(cart)) else: self.cart = None # These quantities can't be defined until we assemble the entire basis self.coeffs = None self.molecule = atom.molecule self.basis = None self.occupation = None self.wfn = None @property def num_primitives(self): return len(self.primitives) @property def norm(self): """ Calculate this orbital's norm Returns: float: norm :math:`<i|i>` """ norm = 0.0 for p1 in self.primitives: for p2 in self.primitives: norm += p1.overlap(p2) return norm
[docs] def normalize(self): """ Scale primitive coefficients to normalize this basis function """ prefactor = 1.0/np.sqrt(self.norm) for primitive in self.primitives: primitive *= prefactor
@property def orbtype(self): """ A string describing the orbital's angular momentum state. Examples: >>> AtomicBasisFunction(n=1, l=0).orbtype 's' >>> AtomicBasisFunction(n=2, l=1, cart='y').orbtype 'py' >>> AtomicBasisFunction(n=3, l=2, m=0).orbtype 'd(z^2)' """ if self.l == 0: t = 's' elif self.cart is not None: t = SHELLS[self.l] + self.cart else: t = SPHERICALNAMES[self.l, self.m] return t @property def aotype(self): """ A string describing the orbital's state. Examples: >>> AtomicBasisFunction(n=1, l=0).aotype '1s' >>> AtomicBasisFunction(n=2, l=1, cart='y').aotype '2py' >>> AtomicBasisFunction(n=3, l=2, m=0).aotype '3d(z^2)' """ t = self.orbtype if self.n: return '%s%s' % (self.n, t) else: return t def __str__(self): return 'AO ' + @property def name(self): try: return '%s on atom %s' % (self.aotype, except: return 'Basis Fn' def __repr__(self): return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
# Precompute odd factorial values (N!!) _ODD_FACTORIAL = {0: 1} #by convention _ofact = 1 for _i in xrange(1, 20, 2): _ofact *= _i _ODD_FACTORIAL[_i] = float(_ofact)
[docs]def cart_to_powers(s): """ Convert a string to a list of cartesian powers Examples: >>> cart_to_powers('y') [0, 1, 0] >>> cart_to_powers('xxyz') [2, 1, 1] >>> cart_to_powers('zx^3') [3,0,1] """ powers = [0, 0, 0] chars = iter(s) lastchar = None while True: try: char = except StopIteration: break if char == '^': power = int( powers[DIMLABELS[lastchar]] += power - 1 lastchar = None else: powers[DIMLABELS[char]] += 1 lastchar = char return powers
DIMLABELS = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2}
[docs]class ERI4FoldTensor(object): def __init__(self, mat, basis_orbitals): self.mat = mat self.basis_orbitals = basis_orbitals nbasis = len(self.basis_orbitals) mapping = np.zeros((nbasis, nbasis), dtype='int') ij = 0 for i in xrange(nbasis): for j in xrange(i + 1): mapping[i, j] = mapping[j, i] = ij ij += 1 self.mapping = mapping def __getitem__(self, item): i, j, k, l = item return self.mat[self.mapping[i, j], self.mapping[k, l]]