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"""Note: this code is currently unused and untested and will be refactored soon"""
import numpy as np
from .orbitals import Orbital, SHELLS, SPHERICALNAMES
[docs]class AbstractFunction(object):
""" Abstract base class for basis functions
[docs] def normalize(self):
""" Give this function unit norm by adjusting its coefficient
self.coeff /= np.sqrt(self.norm)
[docs] def overlap(self, other, normalized=False):
r""" Overlap of this function with another:
.. math::
\int f_1(\mathbf r) f_2(\mathbf r) d^N \mathbf r
other (AbstractFunction):
normalized (bool): If True, return the overlap of the two NORMALIZED functions.
Scalar: value of the overlap
newfn = self * other
integral = newfn.integral
if normalized:
integral /= np.sqrt(self.norm*other.norm)
return integral
def norm(self):
r""" The L2-Norm of this gaussian:
.. math::
\int \left| G(\mathbf r) \right|^2 d^N \mathbf r
return self.overlap(self)
def __str__(self):
return "%d-D %s with norm %s"%(self.ndims, self.__class__, self.norm)
[docs]class CartesianGaussian(AbstractFunction):
r""" Stores an N-dimensional gaussian function of the form:
.. math::
G(\mathbf r) = C \times \left( \prod_{i=1}^N{{r_i}^{p_i} } \right)
e^{-a |\mathbf r - \mathbf{r}_0|^2}
For a three-dimensional gaussian, this is
G(x,y,z) = C \times x^{p_1} y^{p_2} z^{p_3} e^{-a |\mathbf r - \mathbf{r}_0|^2}
where *C* is ``self.coeff``, *a* is ``self.exp``, *r0* is ``self.center``, and
:math:`p_1, p_2, ...` are given in the array ``self.powers``
Levine, Ira N. Quantum Chemistry, 5th ed. Prentice Hall, 2000. 486-94.
def __init__(self, center, exp, powers, coeff=None):
""" Initialization:
center (Vector[length]): location of the gaussian's centroid
powers (List[int]): cartesian powers in each dimension (see
equations in :class:`CartesianGaussian` docs)
exp (Scalar[1/length**2]): gaussian width parameter
coeff (Scalar): multiplicative coefficient (if None, gaussian will be automatically
The dimensionality of the gaussian is determined by the dimensionality
of the centroid location vector and the power vector. So, if scalars are passed for the
``center`` and ``powers``, it's 1-D. If length-3 vectors are passed for ``center``
and ``powers``, it's 3D.
assert len(powers) == len(center), "Inconsistent dimensionality - number of cartesian " \
"powers must match dimensionality of centroid vector"
self.center = center
self.exp = exp
self.powers = np.array(powers)
if coeff is None:
self.coeff = 1.0 # dummy value overwritten by self.normalize()
self.coeff = coeff
self._cartesian = (self.powers != 0).any()
def __repr__(self):
return ("<Gaussian (coeff: {coeff:4.2f}, "
"cartesian powers: {powers}, "
"exponent: {exp:4.2f}, "
"center: {center}>").format(
center=self.center, exp=self.exp,
powers=tuple(self.powers), coeff=self.coeff)
def ndim(self):
return len(self.powers)
num_dimensions = ndims = ndim
def angular(self):
""" Angular momentum of this function (sum of cartesian powers)
return self.powers.sum()
def __call__(self, coords, _include_cartesian=True):
""" Evaluate this function at the given coordinates.
Can be called either with a 1D column (e.g., ``[1,2,3]*u.angstrom ``) or
an ARRAY of coordinates (``[[0,0,0],[1,1,1]] * u.angstrom``)
_include_cartesian (bool): include the contribution from the cartesian components
(for computational efficiency, this can sometimes omited now and included later)
>>> g = CartesianGaussian([0,0,0]*u.angstrom, exp=1.0/u.angstrom**2, powers=(0,0,0))
>>> g([0,0,0] * u.angstrom)
>>> g[[0,0,0], [0,0,1], [0.5,0.5,0.5] * u.angstrom]
array([ 1.0, 0.36787944, 0.47236655])
coords (Vector[length]): Coordinates or list of coordinates
Scalar: function value(s) at the passed coordinates
if len(coords.shape) > 1:
axis = 1
axis = None
disp = coords - self.center
prd = disp*disp # don't use np.dot - allow multiple coords at once
r2 = prd.sum(axis=axis)
result = self.coeff * np.exp(-self.exp * r2)
if self._cartesian and _include_cartesian:
result *= (np.product(disp.magnitude**self.powers, axis=axis)
* disp.units**self.powers.sum() )
return result
def __mul__(self, other):
""" Returns product of two gaussian functions, which is also a gaussian
other (CartesianGaussian): other gaussian wavepacket
CartesianGaussian: product gaussian
# convert widths to prefactor form
a = self.exp
b = other.exp
exp = a + b
center = (a*self.center + b*other.center)/(a+b)
powers = self.powers + other.powers
return CartesianGaussian(center=center, exp=exp,
powers=powers, coeff=self.coeff*other.coeff)
def integral(self):
r"""Integral of this this gaussian over all N-dimensional space.
This is implemented only for 0 and positive integer cartesian powers.
The integral is 0 if any of the powers are odd. Otherwise, the integral
is given by:
.. math::
\int G(\mathbf r) d^N \mathbf r & = c \int d^N e^{-a x^2} \mathbf r
\prod_{i=1}^N{{r_i}^{p_i} } \\
&= (2a)^{-\sum_i p_i} \left( \frac{\pi}{2 a} \right) ^ {N/2} \prod_{i=1}^N{(p_i-1)!!}
where *N* is the dimensionality of the gaussian, :math:`p_i` are the cartesian powers,
and _!!_ is the "odd factorial" (:math:`n!!=1\times 3\times 5 \times ... \times n`)
Dwight, Herbert B. Tables of Integrals and other Mathematical Data, 3rd ed.
Macmillan 1957. 201.
integ = (np.pi/self.exp)**(self.ndim/2.0)
for p in self.powers:
if p == 0: # no contribution
elif p % 2 == 1: # integral of odd function is exactly 0
return 0.0
elif p < 0:
raise ValueError('Powers must be positive or 0')
integ *= _ODD_FACTORIAL[p-1]/(2 ** (p+1))
return self.coeff * integ
[docs]def Gaussian(center, exp, coeff=1.0):
r""" Constructor for an N-dimensional gaussian function.
The function is given by:
.. math::
G(\mathbf r) = C e^{-a\left| \mathbf r - \mathbf r_0 \right|^2}
where *C* is ``self.coeff``, *a* is ``self.exp``, and :math:`\mathbf r_0` is ``self.center``.
This is just a special case of a cartesian gaussian where all the powers are 0.
return CartesianGaussian(center, exp,
powers=[0 for x in center],
[docs]class SphericalGaussian(AbstractFunction):
r""" Stores a 3-dimensional spherical gaussian function:
.. math::
G_{nlm}(\mathbf r) = C Y^l_m(\mathbf r - \mathbf r_0) r^n e^{-a\left| \mathbf r - \mathbf r_0 \right|^2}
where *C* is ``self.coeff``, *a* is ``self.exp``, and :math:`\mathbf r_0` is ``self.center``,
*(n,l,m)* are given by ``(self.n, self.l, self.m)``, and :math:`Y^l_m(\mathbf{r})` is a
spherical harmonic.
self.SPHERE_TO_CART stores expansion coefficients for spherical gaussians in terms of
cartesian gaussians. They are taken from the reference below.
Schlegel and Frisch. Transformation between cartesian and pure spherical harmonic gaussians.
Int J Quantum Chem 54, 83-87 (1995). doi:10.1002/qua.560540202
def __init__(self, center, exp, n, l, m, coeff=None):
self.center = center
assert len(self.center) == 3
self.exp = exp
self.n = n
self.l = l
self.m = m
if coeff is None:
self.coeff = 1.0
self.coeff = coeff
def __repr__(self):
return ("<Gaussian (coeff: {coeff:4.2f}, "
"exponent: {exp:4.2f}, "
"(n,l,m) = {qnums}").format(
center=self.center, exp=self.exp,
powers=tuple(self.powers), coeff=self.coeff,
qnums=(self.n, self.l, self.m))
def __call__(self, coords, _include_spherical=True):
""" Evaluate this function at the given coordinates.
Can be called either with a 1D column (e.g., ``[1,2,3]*u.angstrom ``) or
an ARRAY of coordinates (``[[0,0,0],[1,1,1]] * u.angstrom``)
_include_spherical (bool): include the contribution from the non-exponential parts
(for computational efficiency, this can sometimes omitted now and included later)
coords (Vector[length]): 3D Coordinates or list of 3D coordinates
Scalar: function value(s) at the passed coordinates
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class AtomicBasisFunction(Orbital):
def __init__(self, atom, n=None, l=None, m=None, cart=None, primitives=None):
""" Initialization:
atom (moldesign.Atom): The atom this basis function belongs to
index (int): the index of this basis function (it is stored as
n (int): principal quantum number (``n>=1``)
l (int): total angular momentum quantum number (``l<=n-1``)
m (int): z-angular momentum quantum number (optional -
for spherical sets only; ``|m|<=l``)
cart (str): cartesian component (optional; for cartesian sets only)
primitives (List[PrimitiveBase]): List of primitives, if available
self.atom = atom
self.n = n
self.l = l
self.m = m
self.primitives = primitives
if cart is not None:
assert self.m is None, 'Both cartesian and spherical components passed!'
assert len(cart) == self.l, 'Angular momentum does not match specified component %s' % cart
for e in cart: assert e in 'xyz'
self.cart = ''.join(sorted(cart))
self.cart = None
# These quantities can't be defined until we assemble the entire basis
self.coeffs = None
self.molecule = atom.molecule
self.basis = None
self.occupation = None
self.wfn = None
def num_primitives(self):
return len(self.primitives)
def norm(self):
""" Calculate this orbital's norm
float: norm :math:`<i|i>`
norm = 0.0
for p1 in self.primitives:
for p2 in self.primitives:
norm += p1.overlap(p2)
return norm
[docs] def normalize(self):
""" Scale primitive coefficients to normalize this basis function
prefactor = 1.0/np.sqrt(self.norm)
for primitive in self.primitives:
primitive *= prefactor
def orbtype(self):
""" A string describing the orbital's angular momentum state.
>>> AtomicBasisFunction(n=1, l=0).orbtype
>>> AtomicBasisFunction(n=2, l=1, cart='y').orbtype
>>> AtomicBasisFunction(n=3, l=2, m=0).orbtype
if self.l == 0: t = 's'
elif self.cart is not None: t = SHELLS[self.l] + self.cart
else: t = SPHERICALNAMES[self.l, self.m]
return t
def aotype(self):
""" A string describing the orbital's state.
>>> AtomicBasisFunction(n=1, l=0).aotype
>>> AtomicBasisFunction(n=2, l=1, cart='y').aotype
>>> AtomicBasisFunction(n=3, l=2, m=0).aotype
t = self.orbtype
if self.n: return '%s%s' % (self.n, t)
else: return t
def __str__(self):
return 'AO ' + self.name
def name(self):
return '%s on atom %s' % (self.aotype, self.atom.name)
return 'Basis Fn'
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
# Precompute odd factorial values (N!!)
_ODD_FACTORIAL = {0: 1} #by convention
_ofact = 1
for _i in xrange(1, 20, 2):
_ofact *= _i
_ODD_FACTORIAL[_i] = float(_ofact)
[docs]def cart_to_powers(s):
""" Convert a string to a list of cartesian powers
>>> cart_to_powers('y')
[0, 1, 0]
>>> cart_to_powers('xxyz')
[2, 1, 1]
>>> cart_to_powers('zx^3')
powers = [0, 0, 0]
chars = iter(s)
lastchar = None
while True:
char = chars.next()
except StopIteration:
if char == '^':
power = int(chars.next())
powers[DIMLABELS[lastchar]] += power - 1
lastchar = None
powers[DIMLABELS[char]] += 1
lastchar = char
return powers
DIMLABELS = {'x': 0, 'y': 1, 'z': 2}
[docs]class ERI4FoldTensor(object):
def __init__(self, mat, basis_orbitals):
self.mat = mat
self.basis_orbitals = basis_orbitals
nbasis = len(self.basis_orbitals)
mapping = np.zeros((nbasis, nbasis), dtype='int')
ij = 0
for i in xrange(nbasis):
for j in xrange(i + 1):
mapping[i, j] = mapping[j, i] = ij
ij += 1
self.mapping = mapping
def __getitem__(self, item):
i, j, k, l = item
return self.mat[self.mapping[i, j], self.mapping[k, l]]