# Copyright 2016 Autodesk Inc.
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""" Class definitions for atomic and molecular orbitals.
In this documentation, we use the following conventions for labeling orbitals:
- atomic orbitals using lower case greek labels and subscripts, e.g.,
:math:`\left| \mu \right \rangle, F_{\nu \lambda}, etc.
- molecular orbitals use lower case labels and subscripts, e.g.,
:math:`\left| i \right \rangle, F_{kl}, etc.
- adiabatic electronic states are indexed using capital letters, _N_, _L_, _M_, etc.
import numpy as np
from moldesign import units as u
from moldesign.utils import Alias
SHELLS = {0: 's', 1: 'p', 2: 'd', 3: 'f', 4: 'g', 5: 'h'}
ANGMOM = {v: k for k, v in SHELLS.iteritems()}
# See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Table_of_spherical_harmonics#Real_spherical_harmonics
SPHERICALNAMES = {(0, 0): 's', (1, -1): 'p(x)', (1, 0): 'p(z)', (1, 1): 'p(y)',
(2, 0): 'd(z^2)', (2, -2): 'd(xy)', (2, -1): 'd(yz)',
(2, 1): 'd(xz)', (2, 2): 'd(x^2-y^2)',
(3, -3): 'f(3yx^2-y^3)', (3, -2): 'f(xyz)', (3, -1): 'f(yz^2)',
(3, 0): 'f(z^3)', (3, 1): 'f(xz^2)', (3, 2): 'f(zx^2-zy^2)',
(3, 3): 'f(x^3-3xy^2)'}
ANGULAR_NAME_TO_COMPONENT = {'': (0, 0), 'x': (1, -1), 'y': (1, 1), 'z': (1, 0),
'z^2': (2, 0), 'xy': (2, -2), 'yz': (2, -1), 'xz': (2, 1),
'x^2-y^2': (2, 2),
'zx^2-zy^2': (3, 2), 'xyz': (3, -2), 'z^3': (3, 0),
'3yx^2-y^3': (3, -3), 'x^3 - 3xy^2': (3, 3), 'xz^2': (3, 1),
'yz^2': (3, -1)}
[docs]class Orbital(object):
Stores a single orbital and its meta-data
Generally wants to be part of a set of MolecularOrbitals
The orbital is defined as
.. math::
\left| i \right \rangle = \sum_\mu c_{i \mu} \left| \mu \right \rangle
where the coefficients :math:`c_{i \mu}` are stored in ``self.coeffs`` and the basis orbitals
:math:`\left| \mu \right \rangle` are stored at ``self.basis``
def __init__(self, coeffs, basis=None, wfn=None,
occupation=None, name='unnamed'):
""" Initialization:
coeffs (numpy.array): orbital coefficients
basis (moldesign.orbitals.basis.BasisSet): basis for this orbital
wfn (moldesign.orbitals.wfn.ElectronicWfn): total electronic wavefunction that this orbital is a part of
occupation (float): occupation of this orbital
name (str): optional label for this orbital:
self.coeffs = np.array(coeffs)
self.name = name
self.molecule = None
self.basis = basis
self.occupation = occupation
self.wfn = wfn
self.index = None # will be set by the containing MolecularOrbitals object
# Assign the basis functions
if wfn is not None and wfn.aobasis is not None:
if self.basis is not None:
assert wfn.aobasis is self.basis
self.basis = wfn.aobasis
if self.basis is not None:
assert len(self.coeffs) == len(self.basis)
[docs] def overlap(self, other):
""" Calculate overlap with another orbital
other (Orbital): calculate the overlap with this orbital
float: orbital overlap
return self.coeffs.dot(self.basis.overlaps.dot(other.coeffs))
[docs] def fock_element(self, other):
""" Calculate fock matrix element with another orbital
other (Orbital): calculate the fock element with this orbital
u.Scalar[energy]: fock matrix element
return self.wfn.fock_ao.dot(other.coeffs).ldot(self.coeffs) # uses ldot to preserve units
def energy(self):
""" u.Scalar[energy]: This orbital's energy
This is equivalent to self.fock(self)
return self.fock_element(self)
def __call__(self, coords):
""" Calculate the orbital's value at a position (or list of positions)
coords (u.Vector[length]): Coordinates (shape ``(len(coords), 3)``)
u.Scalar[length**(-3/2)]: value of the orbital
return self.basis(coords, coeffs=self.coeffs)
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
__len__ = Alias('coeffs.__len__')
[docs]class MolecularOrbitals(object):
Stores a wfn of molecular orbitals in an AO wfn
Orbitals are accessed as orbs[orbital index, ao index]
def __init__(self, orbitals, wfn=None, basis=None,
""" Initialization:
orbitals (List[Orbital] OR numpy.array): EITHER a list of orbitals OR an
array of coefficients (indexed as coeffs[orbital_index, basis_index])
basis (moldesign.orbitals.basis.BasisSet): orbital basis set
wfn (moldesign.orbitals.wfn.ElectronicWfn): total electronic wavefunction that this orbital is a part of
canonical (bool): designate these as the canonical orbitals
orbtype (str): description of these orbitals
# Determine if these are the canonical orbitals
if canonical:
assert orbtype is None or orbtype == 'canonical'
orbtype = 'canonical'
if orbtype == 'canonical':
canonical = True
if not hasattr(orbitals[0], 'basis'):
coeffs = orbitals
orbitals = []
for c in coeffs:
orbitals.append(Orbital(c, basis=basis, wfn=wfn))
self.orbitals = orbitals
self.coeffs = np.array([orb.coeffs for orb in self.orbitals])
self.wfn = wfn
self.basis = basis
self.orbtype = orbtype
if self.wfn is None:
self.wfn = self.orbitals[0].wfn
if self.basis is None:
self.basis = self.orbitals[0].basis
for iorb, orbital in enumerate(self.orbitals):
orbital.index = iorb
assert orbital.basis == self.basis
assert orbital.wfn == self.wfn
orbital.coeffs = self.coeffs[iorb, :]
if canonical:
[docs] def align_phases(self, other, threshold=0.5, assert_same_type=True):
""" Flip the signs of these orbitals to bring them into maximum coincidence
with another set of orbitals
other (MolecularOrbitals): the "reference" set of orbitals to match phases with
threshold (float): only flip orbital if the overlap is less than -1*threshold
assert_same_type (bool): require that ``self.orbtype == other.orbtype``
This function assumes that the overlap matrix is the same for both sets of
orbitals - this is a reasonable assumption if the two sets of orbitals were
calculated at very similar molecular geometries.
if assert_same_type:
assert self.orbtype == other.orbtype, "Orbital type mismatch: %s vs. %s" % (
self.orbtype, other.orbtype)
for thisorb, otherorb in zip(self, other):
if thisorb.overlap(otherorb) < -1.0 * threshold:
thisorb.coeffs *= -1.0
# TODO: print a warning if overlap is small?
[docs] def overlap(self, other):
""" Calculate overlaps between this and another set of orbitals
other (MolecularOrbitals):
numpy.ndarray: overlaps between the two sets of orbitals
>>> canonical = mol.wfn.canonical
>>> atomic = mol.wfn.basis
>>> overlaps = canonical.overlap(atomic)
>>> overlaps[i, j] == canonical.orbitals[i].overlap(atomic.orbitals[j])
return self.coeffs.dot(self.wfn.aobasis.overlaps.dot(other.coeffs.T))
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.orbitals)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.orbitals)
def __str__(self):
return '%s orbitals' % self.orbtype
def __repr__(self):
return '<%d %s %s in %s>' % (len(self), self.orbtype,
self.__class__.__name__, str(self.wfn))
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.orbitals[item]
def _to_ao_density_matrix(self):
c = self.coeffs * self.occupations[:, None]/2.0
return 2.0*c.T.dot(c)
def energies(self):
"""u.Vector[energy]: energies of the molecular orbitals
This is just the diagonal of the fock matrix"""
return self.fock.diagonal()
def occupations(self):
""" np.ndarray: orbital occupation numbers
return np.array([orb.occupation for orb in self.orbitals])
def fock(self):
"""u.Array[energy]: Fock matrix for these orbitals"""
return self.from_ao(self.wfn.fock_ao)
def overlaps(self):
"""np.array: overlap matrix for these orbitals"""
return self.from_ao(self.wfn.aobasis.overlaps)
def h1e(self):
"""u.Array[energy]: 1-electron matrix elements for these orbitals"""
return self.from_ao(self.wfn.aobasis.h1e)
def h2e(self):
"""u.Array[energy]: 2-electron matrix elements for these orbitals"""
return self.fock - self.h1e
[docs] def from_ao(self, ao_operator):
""" Transform an operator into this orbital basis from the ao basis
Given the matrix elements :math:`\hat O_{\mu \nu}` of an operator over AO basis indices
:math:`\mu,\nu`, returns the operator's matrix elements :math:`\hat O_{ij}` over
orbital indices :math:`i,j`:
\hat O_{ij} =
\left \langle i \right| \hat O \left| j \right \rangle =
\sum_{\mu \nu}C_{i \mu} O_{\mu \nu} C_{j \nu}
where :math:`C_{i \mu}` is the expansion coefficient for AO basis function :math:`\mu` in
molecular orbital _i_.
ao_operator (u.Array): matrix elements of the operator in the ao basis
u.Array: matrix elements of the operator in this orbital basis
Assumes that this set of orbitals is orthogonal
# Dot doesn't place nice with units, so we need to pass them explicitly
ao_units = u.get_units(ao_operator)
return self.coeffs.dot(ao_operator.dot(self.coeffs.T)) * ao_units
[docs] def to_ao(self, mo_operator):
""" Transform an operator from this orbital basis into the AO basis
Given the matrix elements :math:`\hat O_{ij}` of an operator over orbital basis indices
:math:`i,j`, returns the operator's matrix elements :math:`\hat O_{\mu \nu}` over
orbital indices :math:`\mu, \nu`:
\hat O_{\mu \nu} =
\left \langle \mu \right| \hat O \left| \nu \right \rangle =
\sum_{i,j,\lambda,\kappa}S_{\mu \lambda} C_{i \lambda} O_{ij} C_{j \kappa} S_{\kappa \nu}
where :math:`S_{\mu \nu} = \left \langle \mu | \nu \right \rangle` is the AO overlap matrix
and :math:`C_{i \mu}` is the expansion coefficient for AO basis function :math:`\mu` in
molecular orbital _i_.
mo_operator (u.Array): matrix elements of the operator in this orbital basis
u.Array: matrix elements of the operator in the AO basis
units = u.get_units(mo_operator)
s = self.wfn.aobasis.overlaps
o_ao = s.dot(self.coeffs.T).dot(mo_operator).dot(self.coeffs).dot(s)
return o_ao * units
def _set_cmo_names(self):
for i, orb in enumerate(self.orbitals):
if orb.name != 'unnamed' and orb.name is not None:
if i <= self.wfn.homo:
if i < self.wfn.homo - 2:
orb.name = 'cmo %d' % i
elif i == self.wfn.homo:
orb.name = 'HOMO'
orb.name = 'HOMO-%d' % (self.wfn.homo - i)
if i == self.wfn.lumo:
orb.name = 'LUMO'
elif i <= self.wfn.lumo + 2:
orb.name = 'LUMO+%d' % (i - self.wfn.lumo)
orb.name = 'virt cmo %d' % i