Source code for moldesign.orbitals.wfn

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import numpy as np

from moldesign.utils import DotDict

from . import MolecularOrbitals

[docs]class ElectronicWfn(object): """ Stores the results of a quantum chemistry calculation. This is necessarily pretty flexible, but generally stores an LCAO wfn and one or more sets of orbitals. Can also store CI vectors, etc. These objects will usually be created by quantum chemical energy models. Args: mol (moldesign.Molecule): Molecule this wavefunction belongs to num_electrons (int): number of electrons in this wavefunction model (moldesign.models.base.EnergyModelBase): The model this wavefunction was created with aobasis (moldesign.orbitals.BasisSet): The basis functions for the enclosed orbitals nbasis (int): number of AO basis functions fock_ao (moldesign.units.Array[energy]): fock matrix in the AO basis positions (moldesign.units.Array[length]): positions of the nuclei for this wfn civectors (np.ndarray): CI vectors (if applicable) description (str): text describing the wfn (e.g. 'RHF/STO-3G', 'CAS(2,2)/SA3/6-31G**') density_matrix_ao (np.ndarray): density matrix in the ao basis """ def __init__(self, mol, num_electrons, model=None, aobasis=None, fock_ao=None, positions=None, civectors=None, description=None, density_matrix_ao=None): self.mol = mol self.model = model self.civectors = civectors self.aobasis = aobasis if aobasis: self.nbasis = len(self.aobasis) else: self.nbasis = None self.orbitals = DotDict() self.fock_ao = fock_ao self.num_electrons = num_electrons self.homo = self.num_electrons/2 - 1 self.lumo = self.homo + 1 self._has_canonical = False self.density_matrix_ao = density_matrix_ao self.description = description if positions is None: self.positions = mol.positions.copy() else: self.positions = positions.copy() if self.aobasis is not None: self.orbitals['atomic'] = self.aobasis self.aobasis.wfn = self for orb in self.aobasis.orbitals: orb.wfn = self def __repr__(self): return '<ElectronicWfn (%s) of %s>' % (self.description, str(self.mol)) def __str__(self): return '%s wfn' % self.description
[docs] def set_canonical_mos(self, orbs): if orbs.wfn is None: orbs.wfn = self self._has_canonical = True
[docs] def align_orbital_phases(self, other, assert_same=True): """Align this wavefunction's orbitals to have the same phase as those in `other`. :type other: ElectronicWfn :param assert_same: raise an exception if the two wavefunctions do not have the same kinds of orbitals """ for orbtype in self.orbitals: if orbtype not in other.orbitals: if assert_same: assert False, '%s has orbital type %s, but %s does not.' % (self, orbtype, other) else: continue self.orbitals[orbtype].align_phases(other.orbitals[orbtype])
[docs] def run_nbo(self, **kwargs): from moldesign.interfaces import nbo_interface nbo_interface.run_nbo(self.mol, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_orbitals(self, orbs, orbtype='canonical', **kwargs): mo_object = MolecularOrbitals(orbs, wfn=self, orbtype=orbtype) self.orbitals[orbtype] = mo_object if orbtype == 'canonical' and not self._has_canonical: self.set_canonical_mos(mo_object) return mo_object
@property def molecular_orbitals(self): """A synonym for self.orbitals['canonical'], since this is usually what's wanted""" return self.orbitals['canonical'] @molecular_orbitals.setter def molecular_orbitals(self, val): """A synonym for self.orbitals['canonical'], since this is usually what's wanted""" self.orbitals['canonical'] = val