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This module stores definitions of common parameters for common techniques.
These are used to standardize our interfaces to other codes, and automatically generate interactive
notebook interfaces to configure various techniques.
import operator as op
from moldesign import units as u
from moldesign import utils
[docs]def isin(a, b): return a in b
[docs]class WhenParam(object):
def __init__(self, parameter, operator, checkval):
self.operator = operator
self.parameter = parameter
self.checkval = checkval
def __call__(self, paramset):
paramset (dict):
bool: True if the parameter is releveant, false otherwise
#TODO: anything relevant to an irrelevant parameter is also irrelevant
return self.operator(paramset[self.parameter], self.checkval)
[docs]class Parameter(object):
""" A generic parameter for a computational method
name (str): the arguments name (this is also its key in the method's ``params`` dictionary)
short_description (str): A more readable description of about 100 characters
type: The type of the param, including units if applicable.
This may be a type (``int``, ``str``, etc.); if the quantity has physical units, you may
also pass an example of this quantity (e.g., ``1.0 * units.angstrom``)
default: the default value, or None if the user is required to set this parameter manually
choices (list): A list of allowable values for the parameter
help_url (str): URL for detailed help (not currently implemented)
relevance (WhenParam): specifies when a given parameter will affect the dynamics
>>> Parameter('timestep', 'Dynamics timestep', type=1.0*u.fs, default=2.0*u.fs)
<Parameter "timestep", type: float, units: fs>
>>> Parameter('functional', 'DFT XC functional', choices=['b3lyp', 'pbe0'],
>>> relevance=WhenParam('theory', op.eq, 'rks'))
<Parameter "functional", type: str>
def __init__(self, name,
self.name = name
self.displayname = utils.if_not_none(short_description, name)
self.value = None
self.default = default
self.choices = utils.if_not_none(choices, [])
self.type = type
self.help_url = help_url
if isinstance(type, u.MdtQuantity):
type = type.units
if isinstance(type, u.MdtUnit):
self.type = float
self.units = type
self.units = None
self.relevance = relevance
def __str__(self):
s = '%s "%s", type: %s' % (type(self).__name__, self.name, self.type.__name__)
if self.units is not None:
s += ', units: %s' % self.units
return s
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s>' % self
return '<%s at %x - exc in __repr__>' % (type(self), id(self))
# TODO - make this ordered as well as dotted
[docs]def named_dict(l):
return utils.OrderedDotDict((i.name, i) for i in l)
model_parameters = named_dict([
PERIODICITIES = [False, 'box']
mm_model_parameters = named_dict([
Parameter('cutoff', 'Cutoff for nonbonded interactions',
default=1.0*u.nm, type=u.nm),
Parameter('nonbonded', 'Nonbonded interaction method', default='cutoff', type=str,
choices=['cutoff', 'pme', 'ewald']),
'Implicit solvent method',
choices=['gbsa', 'obc', 'pbsa', None]),
Parameter('solute_dielectric', 'Solute dielectric constant',
default=1.0, type=float),
Parameter('solvent_dielectric', 'Solvent dielectric constant',
default=78.5, type=float),
Parameter('ewald_error', 'Ewald error tolerance', default=0.0005, type=float),
Parameter('periodic', 'Periodicity', default=False, choices=PERIODICITIES)
QMTHEORIES = ['rhf', 'rks', 'mp2', 'casscf', 'casci', 'fci']
BASISSETS = ['3-21g', '4-31g', '6-31g', '6-31g*', '6-31g**',
'6-311g', '6-311g*', '6-311g+', '6-311g*+',
'sto-3g', 'sto-6g', 'minao', 'weigend',
'dz' 'dzp', 'dtz', 'dqz',
'aug-cc-pvdz', 'aug-cc-pvtz', 'aug-cc-pvqz']
FUNCTIONALS = ['b3lyp', 'blyp', 'pbe0', 'x3lyp', 'mpw3lyp5']
# This is a VERY limited set to start with; all hybrid functionals for now
# Need to think more about interface and what to offer by default
# PySCF xcs are at https://github.com/sunqm/pyscf/blob/master/dft/libxc.py for now
qm_model_parameters = named_dict([
Parameter('theory', 'QM theory', choices=QMTHEORIES),
Parameter('functional', 'DFT Functional', default='b3lyp',
choices=FUNCTIONALS, # TODO: allow separate x and c functionals
relevance=WhenParam('theory', isin, 'dft rks ks uks'.split())),
Parameter('active_electrons', 'Active electrons', type=int, default=2,
relevance=WhenParam('theory', isin, ['casscf', 'mcscf', 'casci'])),
Parameter('active_orbitals', 'Active orbitals', type=int, default=2,
relevance=WhenParam('theory', isin, ['casscf', 'mcscf', 'casci'])),
Parameter('state_average', 'States to average for SCF', type=int, default=1,
relevance=WhenParam('theory', isin, ['casscf', 'mcscf'])),
Parameter('basis', 'Basis set', choices=BASISSETS),
Parameter('wfn_guess', 'Starting guess method', default='huckel',
choices=['huckel', 'minao', 'stored']),
Parameter('store_orb_guesses', 'Automatically use orbitals for next initial guess',
default=True, type=bool),
Parameter('multiplicity', 'Spin multiplicity', default=1, type=int),
Parameter('symmetry', 'Symmetry detection',
default=None, choices=[None, 'Auto', 'Loose']),
Parameter('initial_guess', 'Wfn for initial guess',
relevance=WhenParam('wfn_guess', op.eq, 'stored'))
integrator_parameters = named_dict([
Parameter('timestep', 'Dynamics timestep', default=1.0*u.fs, type=u.default.time),
Parameter('frame_interval', 'Time between frames', default=1.0*u.ps, type=u.fs)
md_parameters = named_dict([
Parameter('remove_translation', 'Remove global translations', default=True,
Parameter('constrain_hbonds', 'Constrain covalent hydrogen bonds',
default=True, type=bool),
Parameter('constrain_water', 'Constrain water geometries',
default=True, type=bool),
Parameter('remove_rotation', 'Remove global rotations', default=False, type=bool),
constant_temp_parameters = named_dict([
Parameter('temperature', 'Thermostat temperature', default=298 * u.kelvin,
langevin_parameters = named_dict([
Parameter('collision_rate', 'Thermal collision rate', default=1.0/u.ps, type=1/u.ps)
ground_state_properties = ['potential_energy',
"""If you're just calculating these, then just pass the
requested quantities as a list of keywords to the calculate method"""
excited_state_properties = ['state_energies',
When requesting these quantities, requests need to be passed to mol.calculate
as a dict with a list of states for each quantity, e.g.
>>> mol.calculate(requests={'state_energies':[1,2],'forces':[1,2]})
to get state_energies and forces for states 1 and 2.
Adiabatic states are indexed starting at 0, so state 0 is
the ground state, 1 is the first excited state, etc.
E.g.. state_energies[0] == potential_energy
multistate_properties = ['transition_dipole',
When requesting these quantities, requests need to be passed to mol.calculate
as a dict with a list of *pairs* of states for each quantity, e.g.
>>> mol.calculate(requests={'esp_charges':None, 'nacv':[(0,1),(0,2),(1,2)]})